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The Hill Articles: March 6, 2012
March 6
Q&A with Jay Roach, director and executive producer, ‘Game Change’
Rush and the Republicans
After Super Tuesday …
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Dems gang up on Limbaugh
Weyants World: March 7, 2012
Poll: Angus King leads in 3-way race for Snowe seat
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Obama talks economy in North Carolina
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: One year after Japan disaster, nuke chief heads to the Hill
OVERNIGHT TECH: FCC warns that cellphone jamming is illegal
Exit polls: Gas prices, economy are top Super Tuesday issues
Russ Feingold makes first House endorsement: Ilya Sheyman in Illinois
Slaughter worries as STOCK Act loses steam
Not all women are in favor of contraception mandate
Administration officially backs House small business plan
Paul says he’s closer to Obama than GOP opponents on ‘reckless’ Iran posturing
Santorum: I’m running as conservative alternative to Obama, not Romney
Sprint, T-Mobile urge FCC to pause review of Verizon-cable deal
Report faults federal agency in deadly W.Va. mine accident
Giving George Washington his due
Iowa Sen. Grassley hints he’ll endorse Romney after Super Tuesday results
Hoyer hammers Limbaugh over ‘slut’ attack
Sen. Kerry accuses Romney of ‘aggressive’ and ‘inaccurate’ attack on Obama over Iran policy
GOP candidates tout support in Nebraska Senate race
Gingrich nods off on camera before AIPAC remarks
Two of three hydropower amendments decided in voice votes
Graham says Romney must win in South to end primary
Sen. Levin sees Israeli attack to halt Iranian nuclear program as ‘very likely’
Boehner rebuffs report he’s lost confidence in Mica over highway bill
Senate Democrats push plan to rehabilitate vacant houses, buildings
Payne seat could stay vacant until November
Gingrich looks past Super Tuesday to Alabama and Mississippi
House GOP pushes to resolve budget dispute
Reid says he’d allow Keystone pipeline vote
Housing agency announces cost reductions for refinancing
Senate confirms two Obama nominees
McConnell: Obama appears ready to accept a nuclear Iran
Poll: GOP voters would rather buy a car from Santorum than Romney
Time for a principled stand for Middle East peace
Obama lashes out over allegation that he wants higher gas prices
Bill to overhaul FCC heads to House floor
House advances bill easing hydropower rules
Obama mocks reporter’s question on higher gas prices
National Rifle Association will endorse Lugar challenger Wednesday
Obama fires at GOP critics: Protecting Israel ‘is not a game’
Rep. Donald Payne honored in House resolution
New congressional map shakes up New York delegation
Club for Growth argues countervailing bill will increase taxes
House passes bill allowing anti-subsidy duties against non-market countries
President invokes his daughters in response to Limbaugh controversy
‘Good luck tonight,’ Obama says to Romney on Super Tuesday
Obama dismisses GOP claims that he wants higher gas prices
REFRESH Act: Farmers know conservation; Farm bill must put them first
McConnell pushes for votes on Keystone pipeline, EPA rule
Obama blasts GOP candidates for ‘beating the drums of war’ on Iran
McCain slams military brass for inaction on Syria
Santorum campaign message has some worried about focus
Employer criticisms of new immigration rules are not credible
Watchdog group: Feds aren’t doing enough to protect US nuclear plants
Hoyer: No US intervention in Syria – yet
Defense Department must cut ties to Syria weapons supplier
Obama holds first news conference of the year
DSCC chair doesn’t rule out backing independent candidate in Maine
Baucus concedes long odds for tax reform in 2012
Netanyahu meets House leaders, thanks Congress for ‘display of solidarity’
Renewing our national commitment to a secure retirement
Poll: Romney leads GOP field nationally
Lobbyist hired to push for Smithsonian Latino museum
US, others agree to restart nuclear talks with Iran
A not-so-Super Tuesday
Feds arrest Anonymous hackers with help of informant
Senate blocks highway bill, but procedural deal could be forthcoming
Republicans question extent of agencies’ spying on federal employees
SEC head indicates slow going on Volcker Rule
Rep. Issa raises his glass of milk to Oreo’s birthday
Paving the way for the future of American agriculture
Issa slams Bush and Obama over ‘secretive’ trade agreement
Ron Paul: Fears ‘overblown,’ but ‘for us to tell Israel what to do, I don’t agree with that’
Sam LaHood: ‘Thrilled’ to be home after detention in Egypt
Santorum: President Obama ‘has turned his back on the people of Israel’
Obama’s flashing red light to Netanyahu on Iran
Union targets Boehner, McConnell over stalled highway bill
Three yards and a cloud of dust
Boehner: US action in Syria ‘premature’
Rep. Allen West: ‘Willing and ready’ to join GOP ticket
Rabbi asks for ethics probe of House staffer
US takes India to WTO over ban on poultry imports
Sen. Levin, Panetta defend Obama record on Israel, Iran from GOP attacks
Sen. Landrieu will ‘definitely’ run for reelection in Louisiana
Dem lawmaker to protest Rush Limbaugh by not buying Clear Channel ads
House panel votes to ax health law’s cost-cutting board
Durbin demands Supreme Court televise its proceedings
White House unveils plan to help borrowers, boost housing market
Boehner says House could take up the Senate’s highway bill
Netanyahu on Iran: Time to start ‘calling a duck a duck’
Sen. Murkowski: Given another chance, I’d vote against Blunt Amendment limiting contraception
Farm Bill necessary for nation’s food security
Senior Republican predicts voters won’t buy Gingrich’s $2.50 gas pledge
Poll: Rep. Mica has advantage on Rep. Adams in new district
Super Wednesday: GOP establishment lays down the law to the right
Obama was right to apologize over the Quran burnings
Julianne Moore defends portrayal of Sarah Palin: ‘Everything was sourced’
Longtime New Jersey Rep. Donald Payne dies from colon cancer
Poll shows Romney gaining among conservatives
News bites: GOP splits on fracking in Ohio
News bites: Yahoo plans massive layoffs
News bites: Sleepy drivers
Cantor, Hoyer look to speed sale of F-35 aircraft to Israel
Has Limbaugh flap hurt Santorum?
Republican candidates accuse Obama of not standing with Israel over Iran
Tuesday: Transportation and trade
Reducing the Federal Reserve’s power
Dems hammer Romney over Iran ahead of his AIPAC speech
News bites: Debut
Romney: Obama ‘fretting’ while Iran builds nukes
News bites: Medicare deaths, Coke safety, and more
Axelrod: Romney gave ‘cowardly answer’ on Limbaugh controversy
Ohio victory could seal the deal for Romney
GOP leaders’ focus is on controlling Congress amid presidential doubts
Senate GOP and conservative groups clash on healthcare reform repeal votes
Broad coalition leans on Congress to pass transportation spending bill
Democrats strive to swing Arizona
Dem Reps. Kaptur and Kucinich face off in primary under presidential shadow
Breitbart’s editor in chief says his boss ‘the picture of health’
About time to be moving on
If you believe Rush Limbaugh’s apology was ‘sincere,’ how’s that Tooth Fairy working out for you?
Romney will rise on Super Tuesday
Netanyahu says Israel can’t ‘wait much longer’ on Iran
Abramoff says his corrupting influence reached into the media
Obama favors sanctions on Iran, but Netanyahu says time is running out
McConnell to AIPAC: Administration’s Iran policy ‘contains a critical flaw’
Holder: Clear authority to kill US citizens
Export-Import Bank splits Republicans
Lobbying World
Q&A with Melissa Francis, Anchor, Fox Business
Obama’s ‘new era of open government’ hits snag
Linsanity hits Congress
Rangel has bad back
McCain touts bill, mulls firing staffer
Congressman guards FDA chief’s purse
No-excuse lawmakers: The members who never miss a vote
Facing tough primary, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. misses votes for ‘business in his district’
Player of the Week: Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)
Poll results on tax rates could use a second look
Report: Bill Clinton to fundraise with Obama
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