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The Hill Articles: May 17, 2012
May 17
Fury over birth-control mandate trails HHS Sec. Sebelius to Georgetown
House Democrats push to make voting easier
NATO faces challenges amid successes
Dem proposal to withdraw from Afghanistan rejected by House
Poll: Obama opens 7-point national lead on improving economic outlook
Obama fundraises off proposed Wright attack ads
Senate GOP to Dems: Move on Bush tax cuts this summer
Reg Watch
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Sebelius will still give speech at Georgetown
NDAA amendments approved requiring studies on health of service members
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: House GOP sets sights on planned coal-mining rules
Democrats’ budget fails
OVERNIGHT TECH: Lawmakers urge companies to join Twitter’s Do Not Track pledge
GOP can’t seem to learn
New Romney Web ad raps Biden over autoworker comments
Weyants World: May 18, 2012
Sherman campaign: His mom edited out of photo because it was ‘awkwardly composed’
Intelligence panel chairman: US ‘involved in a cyber war’
GOP lawmaker: State may stop informing about Cuba visas
Disagreeing experts disagreeable
Report: Emanuel ‘livid’ with Cubs owner after soliciting Jeremiah Wright attack ad proposal
Not-so-small plates
OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Defense bill set for House vote
Libya: A country in transition
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Global leaders head to Camp David for heady talks
Retooling NATO in Chicago
Rahall: Keystone oil pipeline will be dropped from final highway bill
Dem super-PACs going back on air in Montana, Missouri Senate races
Rubio says Obama’s gay-marriage support ‘was all about politics’
Romney campaign going up with first general-election ad
Climate activists rip Clear Channel for rejecting billboard
New report of Obama’s birth in Kenya
‘Partridge Family’ star to perform at D.C. awards ceremony
Amb. Rice urges US youth to travel, use technology
NM House candidate says he can ‘throw a punch’ in new ad
GOP senator calls on Speaker Boehner to do what the Senate won’t on debt
House approves 20 en bloc amendments to defense reauthorization, including satellite language
Mitt Romney: Personal attacks ‘wrong course for a PAC or a campaign’
Beverage association on guard against limits to food stamp use
Sen. Hatch: Tax code at fault for Facebook founder renouncing citizenship
US at risk of ‘catastrophic cyber-attack’ says intelligence panel chairman
Rubio will fundraise for Mourdock in Indiana
No slowing down for Elizabeth Dole
JPMorgan’s Dimon to testify before Senate panel on trading losses
John Edwards is morally revolting and legally innocent, and was brilliantly right about the two Americas
Senate Democrat: Energy bills stalled until fiscal ‘grand bargain’ is struck
Romney focused on economic message while stumping in Jacksonville
US imposes tariffs on underpriced solar imports from Chinese companies
TSA clears cargo-screening deadline for takeoff in December
House approves Iran resolution, flood insurance extension
Greater disclosure of SuperPACs donors is needed
US pledges additional $70M for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense
Cool man Barack
Defense bill advances in House, Dems blast lack of debate on Afghanistan
USPS to start consolidating processing centers this summer
Pawlenty: VP Biden ‘doesn’t have a clue’ about the economy, job creation
Obama suspends sanctions on Burma, nominates ambassador
First, do no harm
Mayor Cory Booker: Twitter helps politicians seem human
Boehner: Keeping any parts of Obama health law ‘unacceptable’
Comcast to suspend data cap after Xbox controversy
Twitter adopts FTC’s Do Not Track option
Antitrust chairman raises new questions about Verizon spectrum deal
Senate Republicans block Iran sanctions bill call for stronger language
House Dems want to talk to ex-Wal-Mart lawyer about Mexico
Former U.S. ambassadors: Cut foreign oil dependence to help reign in trade deficit
Kucinich, Conyers look to block White House effort to expand drone strikes
America: We need to nation build at home
Pelosi: No military chaplains have to perform same-sex marriages
Renewed focus needed on American economy
Report: Warren Buffett purchases 10 million of shares of General Motors stock
Palm oil industry adds lobbying muscle in EPA climate battle
Senator Nelson prefers to choose his own ties
Study: Healthcare law would save consumers nearly $300 per year
House panel approves State funding bill with anti-abortion language
Plan to tie Obama to Rev. Wright rejected by GOP super-PAC
Boehner: ‘Only ones who are talking about drama’ on debt are Democrats
Senate confirms nominees to Fed Board of Governors
House panel OKs $608B Defense bill
Schumer: Facebook founder Saverin wants to ‘de-friend’ USA
Burglarized offices may get relief
Appropriators propose $34M cut to Capitol operations
House GOP nix amendment demanding early exit from Afghanistan
Boehner says Dems are only ones talking about brinkmanship on debt
Boehner not interested in Rev. Wright attacks
Rep. Frank receives Hubert H. Humphrey award for civil-rights work
Killing them softly
Pelosi: Boehner’s stance on debt-ceiling hike ‘immature’ and ‘irresponsible’
GOP lawmaker uses 2007 Obama-Clinton Iraq bill against them
Sen. Boxer talks seafood with star from ‘The Office’
Reid aims to finalize deal on Iran sanctions bill
Cops, ACLU clash over GOP bill that would limit cellphone tracking
Obama campaign asks FEC to rebuff outside group on secret donors
Glen Campbell takes the fight against Alzheimer’s to Capitol Hill
White House supports Senate FDA bill
Carville and Matalin cheers for Maker’s Mark in ad
Too big to fail is too big to exist
State and Foreign Operations cuts at odds with voters wishes
Nuclear weapons: A bad security investment
White House supports FDA bill
Kucinich: ‘We’re getting ready for war against Iran’ with Thursday votes
How Obama’s ‘Too big to fail’ policies have made banks too big not to fail
Poll: Berg ahead in North Dakota Senate race
Objections to homeland missile are unwise
Obama campaign focuses on military families in new Web ad
US court throws wrench in detention debate with unconstitutional ruling
US plans to strike Iran ‘ready’ says American ambassador to Israel
McConnell says Democrats ‘ducked’ on five budget resolutions
Top White House cybersecurity official retires
FreedomWorks backs Schweikert over Quayle
Dems take aim at Facebook founder for renouncing citizenship
League of Conservation Voters targets former Rep. Ciro Rodriguez
Obama beating Romney in online game popularity
Reid notes wife’s battle with cancer as Senate starts work on FDA bill
LeMieux: Rep. Mack hopes voters think he’s his father
Senate gears up for Law of the Sea Treaty push
GOP tax-writer could settle on tax reform process by August
British Ambassador Sir Peter Westmacott: The G-8’s global leadership
Will Obama ditch Joe Biden? (Obama/McRaven 2012)
NRCC adds eight to ‘contenders’ list
GOP Rep. Coffman apologizes for saying Obama ‘not an American’
Poll: Rep. Cicilline could lose primary
RNC blasts White House on coal as Biden campaigns in Ohio
News bites: Oil prices fall
A polarizing White House
News bites: Taxicab concessions
News bites: Don’t give up your citizenship edition
Report: Romney, RNC to build ‘shadow state party’ in Nevada
First-time jobless claims unchanged last week
News bites: Euro teeters
Thursday: 142 NDAA amendments in the House, FDA bill in the Senate
Rep. Van Hollen: Boehner shouldn’t make ‘threats’ about debt ceiling
Romney, RNC raise $40.1 million in April
News bites: Health law might mean savings, and more
Thursday’s global agenda: Foreign aid bill under the microscope
Tax chairman: More work coming on temporary provisions
The Hill policy lunch: GOP Rep. Mike Rogers on global affairs
Radio silence from over-budget police
Messina dismisses doubts about Obama chances of winning North Carolina
Clyburn considers higher House post, gets ready for showdown with Hoyer
Ex-lawmakers on K Street avoid ‘Scarlet L,’ shy away from registering as lobbyists
Architect of the Capitol concludes five-year asbestos removal project
Rohrabacher says U.S. aid programs to China ‘insane’
Obama, Boehner clash at White House meeting over raising debt ceiling
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