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The Hill Articles: May 3, 2012
May 3
GOP nominee for Giffords’s seat reverses course on entitlements
Obama, Romney brace for April jobs report; slow growth expected
Obama administration hits back on notion that it abandoned Chen in China
White House: Syria cease-fire plan ‘has not been succeeding’
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Healthcare politics get messy
Rick Santorum backs Bruning in Nebraska
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Economy added jobs last month, but how many is anyone’s guess
OVERNIGHT TECH: Facebook sets stock at $28 to $35 per share
Perry: ‘God help us’ if Romney loses
Dem tax-writer targets GOP on income inequality
US drones continue to hammer al Qaeda targets in Yemen
Gingrich still believes Romney ‘said things at times that weren’t true’
Poll: Obama leads Romney in Virginia
Chinese dissident Chen becomes political headache for Obama
TSA touts one millionth ‘PreCheck’ participant
House Republicans urge housing regulator to remain steadfast on principal reductions
Official: No taxpayer funds went to neuter Tenn. dogs
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Fracking, Keystone in the spotlight
Sen. Rand Paul pushes online petition to ‘end the TSA’
Britain’s Defense Ministry admits it’s been hacked
Australia delays JSF purchases by two years
McCain splits with Huckabee in Arkansas House endorsement
GOP voters want Santorum, Rubio for VP
Menendez challenger alleges conflict of interest in MF Global hearings
Blind Chinese dissident calls Congress, wants meeting with Secretary Clinton
Feingold rips Pelosi for willingness to consider entitlement cuts
Ted Turner: Romney ‘a real gentleman,’ would ‘probably make a good president’
Carney: Human rights in China are a ‘priority’ for Obama
Emails show EPA frustration over White House letter to Boehner
Bachmann gives Romney her endorsement
State, local groups press Congress to pass flexible education reform bill
Karzai: US bowed to many Afghan demands in strategic partnership deal
Washington veterans from both parties want revenue increase in tax deal
Time is running short to add countries to Asia-Pacific trade talks
Concerns mount over Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles
Media accountability
Groups alarmed that Verizon is ending standalone DSL
Poll: Romney leads Obama in Arizona
Sandra Day O’Connor backs online game to teach kids about government
Automakers agree on ‘single-port’ charging system for electric cars
Romney: US Embassy ‘failed’ to ensure Chen’s safety
In Virginia, Bachmann endorses Romney
Rep. Smith says Obama administration failed to connect him in phone call with Chinese activist Chen
Democrats should follow Sen. Conrad’s lead
Romney: ‘A day of shame’ for Obama if Chen reports are true
House Republicans pressure Cordray for details on consumer bureau budget
The ban on torture is absolute
GOP lawmaker wants independent counsel to take over MF Global probe
House to start floor work on 2013 spending with Commerce, Justice, Science bill
Stop short-changing our most gifted children
White House defends handling of Chinese activist seeking asylum
Broadcasters drop suit to block ‘white space’ devices
US to brief Taiwan on upcoming Chinese military talks
Ann Romney discusses her struggle with cancer, says it ‘opened my heart up’
GOP: Health law funds could go to neuter pets
Senate postal reform falls short
Republicans rip Obama’s handling of Chinese activist Chen
Obama’s below-the-radar push builds support for healthcare reform law
Romney turns focus to energy in Virginia
Sen. Kirk leaving rehab facility three months after suffering stroke
Gov. Jindal becomes latest target of VP speculation
Business groups push back against Dem student loan proposal
Markey ‘deeply concerned’ about police tracking of mobile phones
DNC ad keeps pressure on Romney with female voters
Service sector expands at a slower pace in April
Increasing our national security with new technology
McDonnell: Campaign events no ‘audition,’ but would consider VP spot
Lefty groups fear White House reg reform plan will slash green protections
AT&T CEO blames FCC for price hikes
Advertisers pledge not to support ‘rogue’ pirate sites
A story from Ghana: How Congress’ help saves children’s lives
US boosts military support to Philippines
Why National Ocean Policy is flawed
Drone strikes in Pakistan could continue under US-Afghan agreement
Dem lawmakers raise concerns over US, Afghan security deal
Obama ‘Julia’ web tool courting women draws GOP scorn on Twitter
Rep. Issa: DOJ has ‘closed up’ in Fast and Furious investigation
GSA official at center of scandal shouldn’t collect pay
Job cuts increase but remain relatively flat
Berkley’s first ad in Nevada touts work for veterans
Poll: US voters support funding UN health efforts
Ron Paul: Romney would be ‘marginally’ better than Obama, not ‘100 percent different’
Republican lobbyist to lead atheist group
FAA warns passenger after bird strike video
Facebook joins Global Network Initiative as an observer
Cantor, Hoyer close to Ex-Im Bank deal
Official: US-Russia missile defense talks ‘close to a dead end’
Outwitted by China
Rep. Issa circulates contempt resolution against Attorney General Eric Holder
GOP lawmaker calls emergency Thursday hearing on Chen
Scott Brown’s sexist slime against Elizabeth Warren
Guardians of the Constitution
Bin Laden letters made public online
Clinton raises ‘importance of human rights’ during US-China meeting
Obama administration plays defense on handling of Chinese activist’s case
Bill Clinton: Hillary ‘never said a word to me’ about bin Laden raid
Medical debt collector to answer questions on Capitol Hill
Romney spokesman says Republican criticism of gay ex-staffer ‘disappointing’
GOP lawmaker calls Senate postal bill a ‘$33 billion bailout’
Verizon fires back at critics of deal
Romney ad hits Obama for ‘broken promises’ on energy policy
RNC might block entire Nevada delegation over Ron Paul delegate mischief
Unemployment aid claims take steep drop
‘Bird flu’ research that feds deemed a national security risk is published
Romney on new Obama 2012 slogan: ‘Forward, what, over the cliff?’
Poll finds Romney surging past Obama in Florida, catching up in Ohio
News bites: High court’s decision will impact Medicare, and more
News bites: Uncomfortable
Deal on Chinese activist unravels
RNC looks to bracket Obama reelection kickoff with ‘hype and blame’ messaging
Richard Haass: Still more questions than answers in Afghanistan
Iraqi opposition hires DC shop to make PM’s power grab an election-year issue
Thursday’s global agenda: The US goes to China
News Bites: File-sharing pirates, ye be warned
News bites: Gas producers reduce output amid supply glut
With GOP nomination assured, Mitt Romney shifts to the center
State party wins by Ron Paul backers could hurt Romney in general election
GOP strategy seeks to portray President Obama as nation’s divider-in-chief
‘Desert One’ shadow hung over White House during bin Laden raid
Numerous industries feel benefits of Ohio’s resources
Fracking innovations enhancing energy independence
Balancing on a tight resource rope
Natural gas: game changer for American manufacturing
Energy production: the key to prosperity
Rep. Nunes and wife welcome baby girl
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