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The Hill Articles: November 2, 2012
November 2
The Hill’s Senate ratings: Democrats slated to keep Senate control
The Hill’s House ratings: Democrats’ chances for seats have dimmed
Axelrod: Obama’s energy comes ‘from his loins’
Palin super-PAC donates $5,000 to Romney campaign
DOE: Sandy created ‘severe energy supply interruption’
IRS gives further relief to taxpayers affected by Sandy
Auto union files ethics complaint against Romney for alleged bailout profits
For Obama and Romney, a focus on jobs in race’s closing days
Trump, Eastwood endorse Romney but drive support for Obama
Sen. Paul: Clinton needs to answer for Libyan terrorist attack
Retailers ramp up pressure to reject swipe fee settlement
Edward Norton produces seven-minute pro-Obama film
Report: NJ to use US military vehicles as polling places
Biden appears to downplay 2016 presidential speculation
Polls tilt for Obama in battleground Ohio
Reid: ‘Laughable’ for Romney to think Dems will pass his agenda
Confirmation hearing scheduled for Allen, Dunford
Former Chrysler executive endorses Romney for president
Fred Thompson cuts robocall against Obama on abortion
Democratic senators urge Commerce to make South Korea play fair in trade deal
Report: Kabul calls US assessment of Afghan forces ‘baseless’
Facebook unveils privacy education feature for new users
Study: Twitter users ‘relentlessly negative’ about campaigns
Rasmussen: Obama opens up a lead in Michigan
GOP calls on Sen. Levin to hold Libya hearings
Obama campaign releases faux newscast predicting first 100 days under Romney
Obama tells crowd voting is best ‘revenge’ against Romney
A post-election crisis
My prediction: Why Obama will — and should — win on Tuesday
Report: Romney son sends assurances to Putin about rhetoric
Second Smithsonian parking lot worker guilty of stealing $400K
Biden stumbles over words in Wisconsin speech
Crossroads launches national TV buy against Obama
The bottom line in Election 2012: TRUST
Obama administration waives shipping rule to get fuel to Northeast ports
Ambassador: Web treaty plans pushed by Iran, China could lead to censorship
FDA finds more tainted products at pharmacy linked to meningitis
Mr. Burns of ‘The Simpsons’ endorses Romney
Tunisia grants US access to suspected Libya conspirator
Russia, Syrian opposition slam US calls for new leadership against Assad
Trump fires back at Chrysler official
Streisand urges Jewish voters to support Obama
Issa targets ‘excessive costs’ of state dinners, cites Beyoncé performance
Drivers in Reid motorcade cited in car crash that sent majority leader to hospital
Rasmussen: Obama pulls even with Romney nationally
Romney: Obama has ‘fallen so very short’ on promise to fix the economy
Veterans’ unemployment dips to four-year low
Romney slams Obama in closing argument
GOP ad firm defends anti-Obama texts as protected speech
Obama blasts Romney’s Jeep ads: ‘This isn’t a game’
What consumers want in FTC v. Google
Obama touts ‘real progress’ on jobs
Sessions: Growth of food stamps 75 times greater than job creation under Obama
Dem in line for energy gavel says nation must reconsider natural gas exports
US should work to strengthen relations with Azerbaijan
Rand Paul: ‘Nanny Bloomberg’ wasn’t going to endorse a Republican ‘any time soon’
Clinton barnstorms for Barack, George W. Bush barnstorms for bucks at Cayman Island tax-dodge soiree
Somebody is going to be bummed
The Bloomberg factor
Reid: GOP obstruction preventing even greater job growth
Which presidential candidate is going to finally overhaul Social Security?
Romney and Obama both ‘Modern Family’ fans
Former Rep. George Hochbrueckner: Chevron’s dilemma in the Amazon
Multi-lingual outreach key to getting out the vote
Rand Paul not surprised by ‘Nanny Bloomberg’ endorsement
Fake ‘Siri’ says Obama has earned a second term
Obama administration broadens Sandy public health emergency
McCaskill uses Romney’s words against Akin in new ad
News bites: Manhattan to get power back Friday
Grassley asks Holder to let inspector general handle whistleblower review
News bites: Sandy spurs health crisis
Report: White House can buy time to delay spending cuts in fiscal cliff
Healthcare law on the ballot
Transportation sector adds 2,000 jobs in October
Rep. Matheson trails by double digits in nonpartisan poll
Economy adds 171K jobs; rate rises to 7.9 percent in October
Volunteers spread out to ‘orphan’ states to help Boehner retain GOP House
Poll: Donnelly up by 11 points over Mourdock in Ind. Senate race
News bites: Sandy raises questions about resiliency of wireless networks
Friday’s global agenda: Rebel opposition in disarray ahead of international talks on Syria
Red Carpet Rundown: November 5, 2012
News bites: Four days out
Reuters: Obama leads in Ohio, Fla., Va.; Romney in Colo.
Shift in proportion of white, minority vote could decide Obama-Romney race
Akin gathering steam in race
Obama, Romney to spend final campaign stops in states that got them started
Montana Senate race a ‘nail-biter’
Baker: Be prepared for a recount
Romney hits Obama on defense in Virginia Beach
Carmona increases ad buy in final days of Arizona Senate race
US officials: CIA wasn’t delayed in Benghazi rescue attempts
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