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The Hill Articles: November 20, 2012
November 20
Obama administration belatedly rips into ally Turkey over Israel criticism
Gallup: Economic confidence recedes
Report: French officials accuse US of hacking Sarkozy’s computers
Iowa Gov. Branstad: Ames Straw Poll has ‘outlived its usefulness’
Clinton vows to move Middle East toward ‘comprehensive peace’
Administration awards grant to speed sales of small nuclear reactors
Meningitis outbreak should guide FDA action on biosimilars
Study: US faces shortage of 52,000 doctors by 2025
Clinton holds Gaza talks, vows to move Middle East to ‘comprehensive peace’
Rangel: No daylight between Obama and Pelosi on tax hikes
83 judicial vacancies awaiting Senate action
Nursing homes tout quality improvement, blast sequester
Aviation advocates to Senate: Let FAA chief nomination get off the ground
Leaders aim to complete Asia-Pacific trade deal in 2013
Bipartisan group of senators asks leadership to extend state sales tax deduction
Now it’s time to look at credit card swipe fees
‘Unskewed Polls’ founder sets up site claiming Obama stole the election
Study finds more traffic fatalities in red than blue states
US further restricts government travel in Mexico
‘Middle-out’ economics trumped ‘trickle-down’ on Nov. 6 – Now policies should reflect that
GOP ignores low-information voters at their peril
Warner sticks with Senate, won’t run for Virginia governor
Spectrum uncertainty hurting investment on digital highway
McCain: Intel director changing his story on Benghazi talking points
Turkeys Cobbler and Gobbler await presidential pardons
CBO: ‘Doc fix’ costs rise to $25 billion
Schumer vows to save tax credits for companies that hire veterans
When a small business is not really a small business
Obama says Rudman was one of the country’s ‘great public servants’
NY attorney general files suit against Credit Suisse over mortgage securities sales
TSA invokes Reagan in blogger slam
Boxer urges Republicans to revive impotent election commission
Leahy denies supporting bill to allow warrantless email searches
Group of senators urge student loan services to give military members full benefits
House likely to vote on bill that would boost number of green cards
HHS releases health law rules requiring pre-existing conditions coverage
Poll: After scandal, resignation, public still has positive view of Petraeus
Viola Davis of ‘The Help’ names her favorite Dem convention speech
Unions haven’t been told entitlements are off-limits in ‘cliff’ talks
Sen. Vitter alleges administration hiding internal discussions on a carbon tax
PETA asks Obama to skip ‘outdated’ Thanksgiving turkey pardon ceremony
Rogers downplays discussion of possible appointment as CIA director
Boxer blames GOP leadership for Election Day dysfunctions
Bernanke: Fix fiscal woes or risk ‘sudden and severe’ contraction of economy
White House creates Facebook poll to pick Thanksgiving turkey
Markey urges Upton to pass GRID Act
HHS rules to encourage wellness programs
Ellison mum on Elmo’s voice
Intel official: Benghazi talking points weren’t altered by White House
Internet Radio Fairness Act undermines value of music and copyright
Tisei: ‘You never know what the future will bring’
McCain names fellow senator ‘biggest turkey’ in DC
Rep. McIntyre faces recount in NC race
Kucinich objects to resolution defending Israel’s actions in Gaza
Former RNC chairman: ‘Silly’ to blame Gov. Christie for Romney’s loss
Obama sends Clinton to Middle East to seek end to Gaza violence
Jeb Bush Jr. wants father to run for president, calls Rubio remark ‘strange’
Rep. Frank says he won’t run for Senate
Sandy a wake up call for voting contingency planning
GOP Susan Rice letter was wrong, not racist
In Gaza: Life and death, blessing and curse
Warren Rudman, giant of budget debates in Congress, dies at 82
Unions urge Congress to avoid federal-worker cuts
Future of US-Islamic relations in second Obama term
Hamas says Gaza ceasefire imminent
France ends combat role in Afghanistan
Hispanic Caucus chairman rips New York Times columnist
State jobless rates mostly steady in October
Schumer calls for FCC action on cell outages
Poll: 75 percent of NYC residents approve of subway’s Sandy response
Baucus, Tester urge leadership to protect domestic fuel alternatives in defense bill
Congresswoman’s doppelganger causes confusion at event on Capitol Hill
Obama tweets ‘Happy birthday’ picture to Biden
Occupy Wall Street defeated the Tea Party, Elizabeth Warren defeated Sarah Palin, Ron Paul defeated Mitt Romney
David Petraeus and the Twinkie Republic
Pew: Positive media coverage of Obama surged in campaign’s final week
Housing construction hits four-year high
Court: Hobby Lobby must comply with birth control mandate
Rand Paul admits interest in 2016 bid
Rep. Buerkle’s campaign office burglarized
News bites: HP takes $8.8 billion charge
West: ‘Leaders don’t need a title to continue to lead’
News bites: Grover’s moment
News bites: Covering medical pot
News bites: Coastal communities gear up for more frequent storms
Term limits
Clyburn: GOP letter criticizing Rice uses racial ‘code words’
Obama’s union allies work to pull negotiations over ‘fiscal cliff’ to the left
Report: Holder likely to stay on as attorney general one more year
White House hopes for ‘de-escalation’ of Mideast violence
Rep. West concedes House race to Murphy
Twitter’s man in Washington
Tax fight freezes defense industry out of negotiations over ‘fiscal cliff’
Portman and Cruz plan to focus on fundraising, recruitment for NRSC
Sen. Baucus seeks to ensure Finance panel’s involvement in ‘fiscal cliff’ talks
Boehner tightens grip on rank and file to maximize power in ‘fiscal cliff’ talks
What does Wall Street know that Washington lawmakers fail to see?
Marco Rubio takes step along path to 2016
Obama warns Egyptian President Morsi to rein in terrorists in Gaza
ITI moves to suspend merger talks with TechNet
Susan Rice repeated what intelligence community told her
Bronze doors had long road to the Capitol
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