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The Hill Articles: November 30, 2012
November 30
White House draft cyber order adds changes to mollify tech industry
A closer look at next week…
Congressional leaders press for progress on China’s trade issues
Speaker adds woman to ranks of House committee chairs
House cuts back on Fridays
Senate sets up vote to end debate on defense bill for Monday
Kal Penn promotes new White House-set TV show
Dustin Hoffman eyed touring Capitol
Instagram now trending among members of Congress
House Dems try to force vote on extending middle-class tax rates
GOP lawmakers say fracking study could hurt job growth
AFL-CIO urges UN to drop proposed Internet regulations
The fiscal cliff, policy uncertainty and tax reform
Senate vote supports Israeli Iron Dome to shield against rocket attacks
David Axelrod’s mustache may soon be a goner after charity wager
House GOP bashes Democrats for opposing immigration bill
The missing link
Rep. Tim Griffin won’t run against Sen. Mark Pryor in Arkansas
Cornyn: Obama ‘crazy’ to claim unilateral debt ceiling power
Illinois, Ohio congressmen wager treats on MAC Championship game
Keep crushable pills off the streets
Durbin releases 2013 Senate calendar
Retail group pushes Senate on online sales tax
Congress considers swapping $1 bill for coin to save cash
Hoyer: Obama’s debt plan proposal to Republicans not a ‘take or leave it’ offer
Rep. Blumenauer’s new constituent is a baby elephant
Support for government guarantee of healthcare hits record low
FAA proposes new flight attendant workplace safety rules
Obama says not extending middle-class tax cuts would be like receiving a ‘lump of coal’
Cantor releases 2013 House calendar
Black caucus lays out conditions for debt deal support
Hillary Clinton jokes about 2016 speculation
Feinstein ‘delighted’ with McCain, Graham backing on detainee vote
Ways and Means announces four new Republican members
Clock is ticking on ‘fiscal cliff’
AIDS-free generation requires shared responsibility and innovation
Boehner: We’re at a ‘stalemate’ in debt talks
Back on stump, Obama urges GOP action
Senate fails to finish Defense authorization bill
HHS sets new fees for insurers in federal exchange
Rep. Yarmuth won’t run against Sen. McConnell
Cantor: No plans for House vote on middle-class tax bill
Senate continues amendment work on defense bill Friday; final passage likely next week
RSC chairman wants ‘ObamaCare tax hikes’ on the debt deal table
Spending bill could see vote next week
White House rules out repercussions for Palestinians after UN statehood vote
GOP cuts next week short; Cantor says work on fiscal cliff will continue
Incoming lawmaker feeling a bit overwhelmed
FTC should proceed with case against Google
Shaheen vows to fight for abortion coverage for women in the military
Poll: Christie would trounce Booker, and Bruce Springsteen, in NJ governor’s race
AAA asks EPA to stop sales of high-ethanol fuel
House passes GOP visa reform bill over Dem objections
Sen.-elect Flake: Achieve Act GOP’s ‘point of departure’ for immigration talks
Don’t let foreign aid fall off the fiscal cliff
Senate votes to tighten sanctions on Iran
Liberals blast Susan Rice’s ‘outrageous’ investments in Canadian pipeline firm
Don’t tie the hands of Consumer Product Safety Commission
House Dem says GOP visa bill raises ‘ugly head of racism’
Conservative blogger won’t challenge Sen. Chambliss in GOP primary
Poll: Americans evenly split on legalizing marijuana
Red Carpet Rundown: December 3, 2012
Huntsman: GOP should avoid social, ‘fringe’ issues
Scott Brown should announce he won’t run for the Senate if John Kerry is named secretary of State or Defense
Did President Obama really better race relations in America?
Cruz: ’47 percent’ comment hurt GOP with Hispanics more than immigration
Inauguration fashion: What to wear and how to wear it
News bites: US, EU antitrust officials to discuss Google probe next week
GOP Rep. McCarthy to small businesses: ‘We’ve got your back’
Liberal Democrats: Higher rates for wealthy ‘just the beginning’
Texas Republican: White House wants to rule ‘like a monarchy’
Final Romney internal polls showed him in strong position
News bites: Recounts and eggs
Senate should act on Oklahoma federal court vacancies
News bites: Abortion in Ireland
News bites: Front and center
Friday: STEM visas in the House, Defense authorization in the Senate
Hoyer accuses GOP of holding middle class ‘hostage’ on cutting tax rates
News bites: Duke Energy CEO to exit in deal with regulators
Supreme Court poised to enter battle over same-sex marriage
Cole in spotlight for pushing Obama deal
Obama’s latest charm offensive with CEOs pays some dividends
Senate bill reviewing baggage scans for international travel passes
Senate sets Friday vote on sanctions hitting Iranian shipping, central bank
Coburn threatens defense filibuster until amendment gets a vote
Senate limits detention of US citizens
Senate votes to prohibit Guantánamo detainee transfers to US
Reid must wrestle with undecided Dems to reform filibuster rules
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Deal or no deal
Durbin sees defense bill as vehicle for online sales tax
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