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The Hill Articles: October 26, 2012
October 26
Rocket-building reality star aims to get president’s attention with body armor suit
Yahoo to ignore ‘Do Not Track’ requests from Internet Explorer users
Obama ‘surprised’ climate didn’t surface at the presidential debates
Car rental company: ‘Birther’ stickers weren’t approved
Obama ‘surprised’ climate change didn’t surface at debates
GOP Senators demand declassification of Libya surveillance
Plouffe: Romney attempting to ‘disingenuously hide his positions’
Graham: Obama’s Libya defense ‘B.S.’
Obama tells MTV music can ‘set the world on fire’
With new TV spot liberal groups increase Arizona Senate race spending
Liberal groups ramp up Arizona Senate race spending with new TV spot
Obama, Romney cancel rallies in response to Sandy
Dems hit up donors after Chevron’s GOP gift
Sen. Reid doing okay after multi-car crash
Sen. Paul: Obama had four hours to respond militarily to Libyan terrorist attack
State Dept.: European election observers immune from US law
Liberal group calls out CEOs looking for debt deal
President’s voice heard on celeb-filled pro-Obama song
Poll: Obama tops 50 percent in Ohio, up four points on Romney
Romney holds national poll lead, but key swing states favor Obama
Michelle Obama: Happy birthday, Hillary Clinton
Report: Green-jobs program struggling to place workers
Another look at Senate races
Obama defends foreign policy, says it doesn’t involve ‘chest thumping’
Poll: Obama and Romney statistically tied in Ohio, Colorado and Virginia
How Nevada’s Asian American vote can swing election
Conservative think tank AEI brings carbon tax debate out in the open
Durbin presses DC mayor on swipe fee fight
GOP Rep. Blackburn says Obama’s ‘first time’ ad is ‘repulsive’
Sen. Durbin blasts ‘false and misleading’ Parkmobile fee increase explanation
State Dept. cables lacked ‘actionable intelligence’ for intervention in Libya
Romney heading to Wisconsin for first time since August
Don’t count Mourdock out
Dem poll: Donnelly jumps to 7-point lead after Mourdock gaffe
Sen. McCain denounces Carmona ad, stands by comments
GOP lawmaker to propose bill to tighten rules on military absentee ballots
NBA commissioner says Obama ‘not that good’ on court
Turning Medicaid over to the states would undermine program
Romney hits Obama on economic growth, promises to bring ‘big change’
Hillary Clinton gives Obama an espresso machine
New Obama ad in Florida touts ties to Israel
LightSquared hires former Sen. Coleman to lobby for network
Inhofe thanks green group for ‘Rubber Dodo Award’
Sen. Brown makes pitch to female voters in new ad
Rep. Akin attack ad charges McCaskill using Senate seat to ‘cash in’
Battle-ready missile defense radars must be protected from cuts
Advocates lament shrinking funds for medical research
Chrysler: Romney is wrong, Jeep not leaving US for China
Romney extends lead over Obama in Gallup daily tracking poll
Mourdock poll shows him tied in wake of his controversial rape comment
Red Carpet Rundown: Oct. 29, 2012
Possible military action against Iran in line with US law, says DOD
Boxer says Romney doesn’t stand with women on abortion rights
Biden says Ryan has caught ‘Romnesia’
Liberal veterans group targets Allen in ad
Missing debate over redlines for Iran
NRCC goes up against Rep. Cicilline in Rhode Island
Survey: Consumer confidence highest in five years
Latest pro forma battle: Westmoreland v. Maloney
Katy Perry ditches ballot dress for lunch with FLOTUS
Staffer for ex-Rep. McCotter sentenced in signature scandal
Knowing your candidates
Sununu walks back insinuation Powell endorsement was racially motivated
Fiscal cliff already lowering GDP by 0.6 percent, manufacturers estimate
Romney to position himself as ‘change’ candidate in Iowa speech
Obama not happy with Wall Street pay practices
UN to investigate US drone attacks
Vitter: Obama administration is ‘manipulating’ offshore drilling numbers
Chevron gives $2.5M to super-PAC backing House Republicans
Sen. McCaskill tweets from mother’s bedside
Swing-state polls: Obama up in Iowa, NH, Nev., Colo., while Romney leads Fla.
Romney surrogate suggests racial component to Powell endorsement of Obama
Romney’s cruelest cut: Medicaid
Detroit website endorses Obama, calls Romney’s auto bailout opposition ‘unforgivable’
Meat Loaf endorses, duets with Romney
The Obama second term — doing the Clintonian pivot
Rep. Issa wishes Sen. Grassley ‘deer-free driving’
Bain Capital founder decries ‘unfair attacks’ as ‘not worth responding to’
‘Girls’ creator encourages ‘first time’ votes for Obama
Pelosi: Boehner’s power as Speaker ‘more damaging’ than Thor’s
Report: Romney placing TV ads in Minnesota
News bites: China blocks New York Times
Cantor says he’s ‘committed’ to farm bill, still looking for votes
Baldwin ad accuses Thompson of Iran ties
Both candidates steer clear of gun discussion
News bites: Bankrupt DOE loan guarantee recipient under criminal investigation
Economic growth picks up the pace, boosting Obama campaign
News bites: What cliff?
Big-business religion, from the pulpit to the cemetery
Sen. Grassley hits a deer, tweets ‘assume deer dead’
Fighting terrorism the right way
Campaigns look for bandwagon support as clock ticks down to Election Day
DCCC outraises NRCC for election cycle
Candidates in Arizona, Ohio, North Dakota Senate races meet for final debates
Dem’s amendment would give 29 more electoral votes to popular-vote winner
News bites: Cliff coming
Democrats expand effort against Florida GOP Rep. Southerland
First lady: Daughters ‘barely’ listened to Obama speech at Dem convention
Candidate gaffes could cost GOP Senate control — again
Economists see tax hike as twice the problem for growth as sequester cuts
Obama: ‘We always knew this was going to be a close race’
Sununu: Powell endorsed President Obama because of race
McCain, Kyl slam Carmona ad as ‘deeply dishonest’
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