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The Hill Articles: August 7, 2013
August 7
Issa investigating alleged collusion between IRS and FEC
Issa seeks IRS, FEC emails
Liberal group presses NBC to run anti-Keystone pipeline ad
Citizen Bezos
Report: Tea Party wants Gohmert to primary Cornyn
Trump says he beat Boehner in golf
Rep. McDermott ‘deeply troubled’ by CBS blocking online content
ObamaCare de-funders bank on grassroots support moving leaders
President: Al Qaeda is ‘on the way to defeat’
Rep. King: Global warming ‘more of a religion than a science’
Obama cancels meeting with Putin over Snowden asylum
Christian college renews suit against birth control mandate
Obama’s canceling of Putin meeting draws bipartisan praise from lawmakers
Gas lobby pledges to keep up pressure on biofuel program
Obama to give speech 50 years after ‘I Have a Dream’
IRS cancels final scheduled furlough day
Rep. Lewis likens Snowden to Gandhi
Dem proposes $10 billion oil tax hike to fund jobs program
Jobs growth picks up across all regions
GOP lawmaker: ‘Irresponsible’ to cut training for ObamaCare ‘navigators’
Obama marks end of Ramadan with more Syrian aid
Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign accused of bribing state senator
Lawmakers demand accountability from DOD on leaks
Rubio: Jobs aren’t being created because of the $17T debt
Goats graze Congressional Cemetery
Budget deficit reaches $606 billion for the year
Airplane bomb scare investigated in Philadelphia
Study: Ending education tax breaks would boost job growth
Jeb Bush rips Matt Damon for sending his kids to private school
Congress ignores ticking time bomb of investment fraud
Ron Paul calls Rand Paul/Chris Christie feud ‘irrelevant’
Harkin: Southern senator described Obama as ‘exotic’
AARP leader calls Weiner’s ‘Grandpa’ comment unfortunate
Obama: ‘I would probably benefit from refinancing’ on Chicago home
Christie surges in New Hampshire
GOP lawmaker: Members are not on vacation during August
NRA asks Supreme Court to lift ban on handgun sales to teens
Sen. Inhofe announces he’ll run for reelection in 2014
Obama has private dinner with DreamWorks CEO Katzenberg
Congressional action on worker centers is overdue
Sen. Boxer urges colleagues to block House-passed coal bill
DOT says it’s working to ‘protect’ transit systems from climate change
Obama wants a refinancing bill done by year’s end
Obama snubs Putin over Snowden
Poll: Gingrey, Broun lead GOP Senate field in Georgia
Justice charges two with illegal lobbying for Zimbabwe
‘Putty-like’ substance at Rep. Cummings’s Baltimore office not dangerous
Schumer warns consumers their TVs could be spying on them
Azerbaijan moves toward democracy
Senators urge FDA to issue delayed seafood guidance for pregnant women
Study: Small businesses pay higher effective tax rates
Rand Paul backs RNC pressure on networks
Benghazi suspect says he’s ‘having a normal life,’ denies charges
Forbes: Sequestration sinks vital sub repairs
Virginia agrees to pay for intrastate Amtrak service
CEO turnover surged to three-year high in July
ObamaCare resistance will hurt GOP in 2014, survey says
Energy Dept. gives OK to third natural-gas export proposal
AFL-CIO boss blasts Obama tax plans
Yemen says it foiled major al Qaeda plot
GOP needs Pryor loss for shot at Senate control
Thursday’s meeting announcements: New England fishing council
Tax reform: Make it simple
Oregon lawmakers blame Wall Street for rising beer prices
Biden raises funds for Dems off ObamaCare shutdown threat
Russia ‘disappointed’ by Obama decision
NBC: Steyer’s anti-Keystone ad ‘violates our guidelines’
Medicare proposes a barrier to an innovative Alzheimer’s diagnostic tool
New regs for Thursday: OSHA withdraws consultation proposal
Markey calls for investigation into CBS blocking online videos
George W. Bush released from hospital and ‘doing great’
Norquist urges GOP leaders to seek one-year delay of ObamaCare
Iowa lawmaker preparing anti-ID theft bill
Feds reap $4.4B in Freddie Mac profits
GOP challenger slams McConnell as ‘mudslinging Mitch’
Snowden, nuclear arms cuts and the Moscow summit
Club for Growth endorses Tom Cotton, launches ads in Arkansas Senate race
System to safeguard ObamaCare information is months behind schedule
Late-night smash: Obama aging, Washington Post sale
White House regs chief meets with GE on carbon rule
Feds release rule to fix ObamaCare glitch for lawmakers, staffers
Schumer: House going in ‘right direction’ on immigration reform
Washington needs a real shot of courage
Rand Paul, radio host spar over former aide
Rubio flips blame on Dems over ObamaCare, government funding fight
News bites: Will it backfire?
News bites: US denounces Vietnam’s Internet limits
Report: Trump, Boehner play golf
News bites: Looks kind of hard
Obama: Hillary Clinton ‘doesn’t have to measure’ White House drapes
The shale revolution’s impact abroad
News bites: States mull drone regulations
Rep. Schiff: Many Benghazi attackers identified
Obama: ‘No patience’ for Russian anti-gay rights law
Obama to visit Camp Pendleton Wednesday
Obama defends embassy closures
Obama ‘disappointed’ by Russia on Snowden, but will attend G-20
News bites: Interior chief tours oil heartland, investors eye climate risks and more
Tax gavel is Ryan’s — if he wants it
Path to GOP winning back Senate majority runs through Arkansas
100 People to Watch This Fall
Obama says McCain ‘bromance’ straight out of a romantic comedy
Obama tells Leno: ‘We don’t have a domestic spying program’
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