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The Hill Articles: December 4, 2013
December 4
Obama: Income gap a ‘fundamental threat’
Democratic infighting all the rage
Young invincibles spurn O-Care
Polis melts down on House floor
Cotton campaign denounces NRSC attack on Pryor’s faith
Lanny Davis: ‘Women’s rights are human rights’ — 20 years later
Under Contract
Dem melts down on House floor over immigration
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: House panel to question FERC on ‘energy landscape’
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Push for federal jobless benefits heats up
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: issues linger
Camp: No tax reform bill this year.
OVERNIGHT TECH: House poised to approve patent bill
Stolen truck carrying ‘dangerous’ radioactive material found in Mexico
OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: US opens talks with Syrian militants
GOP’s Hunter blasted for talking about nuking Iran
Focusing on healthcare costs, not cuts
Brent Budowsky: Hillary and progressives
A.B. Stoddard: Empty talk from Obama
Healthcare spending negotiations should include entitlement reform
Administration acknowledges back-end problems on
Schumer, Durbin, Miller reveal real ‘Alpha’ house
US could bypass Karzai on postwar deal, says DOD
Sunstein: Both sides have it wrong on regs
Democrats push EPA to act fast on greenhouse gas
36 Dems go against Obama, support Dodd-Frank change
Rubio PAC launching big ad campaign for Cotton in Arkansas
House policy change now allows holiday greetings
Issa: costs could top $1 billion
Women raped in crisis or conflict
Dems ask EPA to do more to curb pollutants
GOP needs to ‘push ObamaCare over the cliff,’ Kingston says
Tech, privacy groups commit to administration’s facial recognition talks
Hagel: Syrian Islamists could play role in peace talks
Senator criticizes DC Metro extension delay
Friday the 13th approaches
New Snowden leak shows NSA tracks cellphone locations worldwide
Murray: Budget deal ‘closer every hour’
Obama enlists youth on O-Care
Warren: ‘I am not running for president’
Wall Street groups sue CFTC on foreign derivatives crackdown
Legislators criticize employer mandate rules
Dem women predict birth control mandate will stand
Leaders battle over Twitter on House stalemate
Bashir resigns from MSNBC after ‘ill-judged’ Palin comments
Sen. McCaskill drafts anti-robocall bill
Celebrate Repeal Day by cutting beer taxes
Vitter scolds White House for regs agenda
Obama dog knocks over child
Obama enlists young people in O-Care pitch
DC Metro criticized for ‘sexist’ ads
Obama dog knocks over toddler
Ga. Senate candidate Broun says Dem opponent ‘cannot win this race’
House advances Dodd-Frank, patent bills
Feds offer rural efficiency loans
GOP candidate releases ‘Epic Split’ ad
Gaming the patent system threatens innovation
Federal official blasts Metro-North for ‘unacceptable’ crashes
A quarter of uninsured ready to face ObamaCare fine
Rep. Rooney remains loyal to Steelers coach
Postal worker’s slaying spurs call for agency-by-agency safety review
Obama: ‘Unequal’ economy a threat
New home sales rebound in October
Treasury moves to close offshore loophole
DNC supporters flood GOP with ‘Happy Holidays’ greeting
Hagan slams FDA regulations on small farmers
Obama: ‘Profoundly unequal’ economy a ‘fundamental threat’
Growing grassroots support for letting wind tax breaks expire
Negotiators see signs of farm bill progress
Top former US commanders join DC defense think tank
Cheney ‘surprised’ by gay marriage clash
Thursday’s meeting announcements: Volcker rule under discussion
Northrop Grumman begins work on NATO drone fleet
House committee passes pay-back bill for shuttered parks
Three Republicans join House Appropriations Committee
After criticism, Warren calls on banks to go public with think tank financing
Administration: Hiring regs are not quotas
Palestinian negotiator to Kerry: Save peace talks
Boehner defends ‘do nothing’ House
Will Ferrell gets Michelle Obama praise
USDA targets salmonella outbreaks
Let community pharmacies compete as preferred providers
Report: 29,000 enroll in healthcare in two days
CEOs optimistic about 2014
Dem testifies ObamaCare fix won’t work
Senate to hold hearing on FCC auction
Dem: ‘Time to face up’ to gas tax hike
US negotiating with Islamists in Syria
Report: Obama’s legal counsel delays exit
Bentivolio offers ‘Safe and Secure’ bill
Report: Obama eyes SportsCenter gig
New regs for Thursday: USDA outlines energy loan guarantees
Will Ferrell blown away by first lady’s praise
The new economics of ethanol
GOP-led states embrace ObamaCare ‘fix’
Iranian diplomat claims sanctions have failed
WATCH LIVE: Obama talks income inequality
Obama to tout ObamaCare as economic benefit
US trade deficit drops on energy exports
Clyburn: Budget date is Jan. 15
Feds pay $100K settlement with researcher
Poll: Millennials turning against ObamaCare
Mikulski opposes budget deal cutting federal pensions
Union removed from crash investigation
The fight for spectrum and why you should care
Report: Dick Cheney to headline fundraiser for daughter’s super-PAC
South Korea’s Huawei deal concerns senators
Oil group sues Colorado cities over fracking bans
Clinton slams campaign cycles
Hatch: ObamaCare tax credit is ‘fraudster’s dream’
Clyburn: Magic budget date is Jan. 15
Pryor touts his faith in latest campaign ad
Supreme Court weighs frequent flier case
Report: Former Romney fundraiser to lead similar effort for McConnell
DC pushes toward higher minimum wage
Airports offering flu shots
U.S. banks get dinged over Libor
Rahall targeted as carbon tax supporter
Reid: Boehner will ‘cave in’ on immigration
Medical imaging as a Medicare cost driver? Think again
Kimmel blasts Obama’s O-Care defense
Regulators set to approve tougher Volcker Rule
Private sector added 215,000 jobs in November
Wednesday: Tweaking Dodd-Frank again
Report: Reid exempts staff from O-Care
Palestinians tear into Schumer
Cheney ‘surprised’ by gay marriage dustup
Clinton: NSA leaks were ‘damaging’
Biden: Relationship with China requires trust
Dem proposes taxing drivers by the mile
Switch on O-Care from defense to attack
House bill would bash Iran deal
DSCC director relishes being the underdog
Libraries fear ‘ravenous’ NSA
K Street shop closing after three decades
Republicans eye Obama lawsuit, but party leaders are not on board
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