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The Hill Articles: July 3, 2013
July 3
Obama: U.S., Germany to meet over NSA spying allegations
Obama launches ‘review’ of aid to Egypt in wake of military coup
After criticism, administration releases belated regulatory roadmap
Credit unions want change to check rules
Bill would expand voting rights for overseas service members
House Republican leaders slam ObamaCare business mandate delay
Senate panel to continue ‘too big to fail’ debate
House to consider energy and water appropriations bill
New Transportation chief urges safety on Fourth of July
SoftBank wins FCC approval to buy Sprint
Republicans investigate ObamaCare delay
Union takes aim at McConnell’s fight against NLRB appointments in online ad campaign
Neil Diamond to debut Boston Marathon tribute song at Capitol
Case for a long-term budget window
Senate to examine robocall scams
ObamaCare delay may hurt both parties
Outside groups put pressure on GOP to confirm EPA nominee
Hagan demands DOD stop pay raises for Germans working on US bases
San Francisco transit service crippled by strike
Immigration reform and the Declaration of Independence
Sen. Graham: Obama delaying employer mandate because of 2014 election concerns
Alec Baldwin: ‘I’m going to fly to Russia and try to interview Snowden’
Invasive species approved for renewable fuel program
State Dept.: ‘We haven’t taken sides’ in Egypt
Dems downplay delay of ObamaCare employer mandate
Developers tout the ‘other’ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
EU, US creating joint group to examine NSA surveillance programs
House bill aims to ‘streamline’ permits for mining rare earth elements
Reject the myth of ‘moderation’ in Iran
Tahrir Square, July 3, 2013
Poll: Texas voters pick Cruz for 2016 run
The extra-constitutional ObamaCare delay
Veterinarians need a farm bill, too
Top Republican recruit files for rematch against Arizona Rep. Barber
Ex-Pentagon lawyer defends probe of Gen. Allen’s emails
West raps Lady Gaga for ‘defiling’ anthem with ‘home of the gays’ lyric
Obama’s hunt for Snowden antagonizes US allies in Latin America
Trade deficit hits highest level in six months
White House rebukes online petitioners calling for presidential election recount
House Republicans: Mandate delay is ‘proof’ ObamaCare should be repealed
Pelosi welcomes delay of ObamaCare employer mandate
Border guards to prohibit products that don’t meet conservation standards
White House circulates talking points to defend Jarrett
Daines ramps up fundraising ahead of possible Montana Senate run
Obama allies downplay decision to delay employer mandate for one year
Blurring boundaries on national security: the government and private industry
Study: Reddit users are twice as likely to be male than female
UN: 2000s brought climate ‘extremes’
GOP questions legality of mandate order
Egyptian president calls for consensus as military’s deadline hits
Ted Nugent weighing White House bid
CBO: Deficit savings in Senate immigration bill take $39 billion hit
France presses for delay in US-EU trade talks over NSA spying
Hospitals to Obama: Spare us, too
US drone strike kills 16 in Pakistan
Gov. Walker backs citizenship pathway for illegal immigrants
Majority of FCC backs SoftBank purchase of Sprint
Limbo Is a town in Palestine
Sanders: ‘Absurd tax policy’ prevents companies from paying their ‘fair share’
Report: State senator considering run against Udall
A guide to the employer mandate
Author: DC a ‘target-rich environment’ for writers
Pallone: Booker will catch up to me in fundraising
White House condemns Westboro protests in petition response
ObamaCare employer mandate delayed until after 2014 midterms
Friday’s meeting announcements: FDIC reviewing capital rules
Good old days were only yesterday but they’re gone
To leak or not to leak
NRCC hires battleground director
News bites: Markets unsettled
News bites: Employer mandate delayed
New regs for Friday: Deaf telephone service
Axelrod says history will judge Obama healthcare law kindly
Iran: New US sanctions could damage nuclear talks
Report: Rubio to introduce Senate bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks
Don’t neglect the nation’s nuclear energy option
McCaskill announces plan to introduce a jobs and infrastructure bill
Carl Bernstein: ‘Admirable aspects’ to Snowden leaks
News bites: French authorities raid Apple’s offices
AAA: Gas prices at five-month low ahead of July 4th weekend
Private sector adds 188,000 jobs in June
Maine Gov. LePage will seek reelection, foregoing congressional race
Texas committee advances abortion bill, as poll shows opposition
News bites: Keystone XL foes go local
News bites: Crucial healthcare rule’s delay will allow time to cut red tape
24-year-old Maine state legislator mounts congressional bid
Bush: Democracy will ‘take hold’ in Egypt
Poll: Only one-third support Supreme Court’s voting rights ruling
Bolivian president’s plane diverted amid rumors over Snowden
Key summit set in genetically modified food label fight
Obama hands off push on immigration
No pressure on House Republicans to tackle immigration reform
Lundergan Grimes focuses on generation divide, gender in Senate race
Poker players up ante in fight with Adelson over online gambling
President Obama takes flak over Egypt
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