The Hill Articles: June 13, 2013

June 13
Cybersecurity activities with China blocked in House vote With chemical weapons allegations, Syrian conundrum shifts OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: White House says Syria used chemical weapons Senate committee sets Pentagon budget at $625 billion Toasted as longest-serving member, Dingell urges greater civility in Congress Senate passes resolution calling for ‘fair and free’ elections in Iran House votes to give military free Internet in combat zones OVERNIGHT MONEY: Focus on tax reform Republican-run Arizona expands Medicaid under Obama’s healthcare law OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Supreme Court rejects patents on human genes OVERNIGHT TECH: Conyers, Amash push to curtail Patriot Act Obama at LGBT event: Nation at ‘turning point’ House votes to limit Obama’s authority to detain US citizens Issa: HHS improperly funding part of ObamaCare implementation Jeb Bush gives immigration pep talk to House GOP OVERNIGHT ENERGY: For energy chief Moniz, the honeymoon is not over DAY’S END ROUNDUP Senators McCain, Graham demand no-fly zone in Syria Boehner: ‘I’m a little surprised’ at weak defense of NSA from White House House adds Taiwan, POW flag language to defense authorization US Air flight attendants gear up for possible strike GAO denies Beechcraft protest over Afghan aircraft contract DOJ, Arkansas sue Exxon for pipeline spill Ted Nugent-signed skull up for grabs at campaign fundraiser Report: President’s Africa trip expected to cost $60 to $100 million Workable way forward for Guantanamo GOP labor bills limit ‘micro-unions,’ require secret ballots House passes two-year minimum sentence for military sexual assault Lawmakers planning bill to limit contractor access to NSA secrets Connecticut senators call for gun control reforms on six-month mark since Sandy Hook House votes to make sexual abuse of subordinates a new offense Industry groups decry federal government’s growing reach Rubio, Paul offer different visions Hurricane preparedness: Not just bottled water and flashlights State watchdog blasted for keeping hooker claims from Congress Tester: ‘I’d bet the farm’ Schweitzer will run for Senate Republicans hammer Markey for missed votes Tom Udall to oversee IRS, SEC funding Darrell Issa should share chair of House Oversight Committee with Elijah Cummings Senators from Sandy-hit states press Obama on climate rules Boehner says Obama, Dems will let student loan rates double Senate Democrats object to passing Obama’s student loan fix Wyden calls for changes in key ObamaCare program Johnson: Single-digit approval rating for Congress ‘too high’ White House dodges questions on Gillibrand military sex assault bill House starts defense authorization work amid Dem anger over sexual assault amendments Raising Arizona: House bill opens door for SB 1070 in your state Lawmaker: Russians would have ‘offed’ Tsarnaev if they’d known of visit Survey: Federal export rules too complex for small businesses NSA leaker Snowden is lying, say leaders of House Intelligence Committee Cummings steps up push for full IRS transcripts Sen. Paul: Taxpayer dollars funding ‘war against Christianity in the Middle East’ NSA conducting ‘damage assessment’ of Snowden leak Warren urges Obama administration for openness on trade deal Pandora is stiffing artists Energy secretary creates cybersecurity council Seeing double: First look at Rob Lowe as JFK Jeb Bush gives pep talk to House GOP on immigration Safety, corporate interests at stake in toxic chemical reform fight Moran files startup-backed amendment to immigration bill Panel approves $19.5 billion agriculture spending measure Vitter: Immigration reform bill is ‘busting the budget cap’ Pelosi preparing fact sheet on how Bush, Obama surveillance programs differ Carney: Obama ‘welcomes’ advice from Bill Clinton on Syria The modern costs of the yesteryear bomb Del. Holmes Norton calls for smoking ban in all DC national parks Administration’s phone surveillance broke the law, says Conyers Senate Environment panel to take up Sen. Sanders’s carbon tax bill in July Rubio: If same-sex marriage provision is in Senate immigration bill, ‘I’m gone’ Obama, Dems huddle on immigration Senate confirms two judicial nominees Time to fix the AUMF GOP tussles with administration over support for international religious freedom Business wants Medicare to keep automatic, mail-order drug refills Labor Department sets aside $2.5M to improve Bangladesh factories Carney: Franks’s abortion comment shows ‘alarming disregard for women’ Boehner surprised at weak White House defense of NSA Obama and Biden to meet with Sandy Hook families on shooting anniversary Roundtable taps United Technologies CEO for tax reform push Senate to hold hearings on airline consolidation, freight rail Cook describes pressure of grilling for POTUS Rep. Steve King: ‘Brazen self-professed illegal aliens’ invaded my office House panel blocks votes on chain of command amendments GOP bill would repeal ObamaCare’s exchanges if they’re late Swing vote Pryor says he’s inclined to vote for Senate immigration bill Issa rolls out new postal reform plan Dems look to force House vote on alternative student loan bill Retail sales rose more than forecast in May Dunford: Taliban peace talks essential to US drawdown Energy secretary vows gas export decisions this year A solution in search of a problem? Senators warn Egypt of repercussions unless NGO ruling overturned Regulators charge Revlon with misleading investors Sen. Harkin: On surveillance programs officials trying to cover ‘their rear ends’ ‘All necessary steps’ being taken to find Snowden, FBI says FBI director suggests Fox reporter unlikely to be prosecuted Lawmaker: Washington state getting $15M for bridge collapse repair Isn’t it about time for a budget conference? Senate done with immigration votes this week; Reid threatens work next weekend Congress sinks to new low Yes, Congress can go big on college affordability Pelosi calls on House to allow gun vote six months after Newtown Booker tops 60 percent support among Democrats in new poll Supreme Court strikes down gene patents Hillary vs. Rand Paul in 2016 Dem super-PAC revives Akin website after Franks remark UN: Syria death toll nearing 100,000 Senate rejects border security amendment to immigration bill Schumer: Could take ‘years and years and years’ to secure borders Congressman’s car has a lot of miles on it, but no hubcaps Friday’s meeting announcements: National Science Foundation weighs in on science center Innovating to meet consumer expectations New regs for Friday: Changing potato requirements Flake apologizes for son’s homophobic, racist posts online Patents, problems, Posner Poll: Majority supports Snowden leaking surveillance programs GOP bill would shut down IRS parties Schumer: Bloomberg gun control ads won’t be effective Jobless claims drop reflects stabilizing labor market NRA launches radio ads defending Pryor in Arkansas News bites: Regulators target lending risks Judge OKs plan to expand access to morning-after pill News bites: The crowded skies Don’t arm people in a mental health crisis News bites: Intel’s virtual cable service faces headwinds Markey opens double-digit lead over Gomez in new poll News bites: Eyes on Arizona Former Obama aides Gibbs, LaBolt launch consulting firm Real solutions for veterans’ claims system O’Malley endorses Booker for Senate News bites: Ups and downs Hayden: Reveal more details about thwarted terror plots Report: Surgeon general Regina Benjamin to step down Thursday: House preps 172 amendments to defense authorization News bites: Climate change and classrooms, Goldman Sachs’ green energy bet, and more House Majority PAC launching first paid attack against Kline on student loans Dems keep Holder at arm’s length Groups work to relight fire on gun control Crunch time for lobbyists on immigration Clinton comes out for Arkansas Democrats Dems dodge supporting Holder MORNING READ Embattled Arkansas Democrats seek boost from Bill Clinton Dems: GOP will pay if immigration reform fails Lawmakers see Edward Snowden as a leaker, not as a hero NSA chief: Spying foiled terror plots Boehner gives farm bill a push