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The Hill Articles: March 12, 2013
March 12
Latinos could be GOP allies
Jeb Bush flounders
Planning for the future with infrastructure
Sen. Nelson urges FCC to unmask political ad donors
White House regulatory office on autopilot?
Obama: Goal not to ‘chase a balanced budget just for the sake of balance’
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Conservatives, industry strike back on carbon and oil taxes
House approves study of community-based flood insurance
OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Senate CR hits a snag
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Ready, set, budget
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Entitlements in the crosshairs
Sen. Menendez calls for action on executive pay disclosure rule
Ryan defends budget as ‘most reasonable’ way to cut the deficit
OVERNIGHT TECH: Rockefeller envisions gigabit Internet speeds for schools
Obama ‘disappointed’ in GOP bill blocking welfare waivers
GOP hopes to rein in SEC rulemaking with new legislation
Partisan ‘mistrust’ fueled voting rights fights at Justice Dept.
A course correction for IRS whistleblower program
House passes bill easing data privacy rules for banks
Republicans continue political fight over Benghazi
Bill Gates to address House freshmen on Thursday
FTC releases updated guidance for mobile, online advertisers
Canadian opposition leader: Government playing US ‘for fools’ on Keystone
Obama appealing to Supreme Court over recess appointments
FAA approves new 787 battery recertification process
NRA rejects House bill to disarm gun-owning criminals
Obama administration to brief lawmakers on aid for Syria rebels
McConnell going up with first ad of reelection campaign
Fix the broken biofuels mandate
New draft of healthcare reform application may get scrapped
Harkin: White House backed off push for more healthcare funding
George P. Bush running for statewide office in Texas
McConnell welcomes Obama’s ‘charm offensive’
Schumer tries to woo GOP to his bill on universal background checks
Palin to pen book about ‘traditional Christmas’
Senate Dems challenge Obama on chained CPI for Social Security
Intelligence chiefs warn that cyberattacks are nation’s top security threat
Arming the Syrians continues to be a bad idea
Obama administration refuses to side with Britain in Falkland Islands dispute
Voters disenchanted with parties over gridlock
Lawmakers lash out against Karzai comments
Why Turkey belongs to transatlantic economy
T-Mobile gets federal approval to buy MetroPCS
Van Hollen: Ryan budget is a ‘total hoax’
White House supports Senate funding bill
Lawmakers to TSA: No knives on planes
Dems launch series of climate change speeches to fight GOP ‘climate deniers’
McConnell predicts debt-limit showdown
US Cyber Command chief warns of rising cyberattacks on banks
Report: Former Maryland GOP chairman looking at Rep. Capito’s seat
Renewable fuels: Due for a reality check
Google pays $7 million to settle Wi-Fi snooping charges
Obama: Trade deals best avenue to US job creation
Study predicts 70K jobs from drones
Levin endorses Reed as successor on Armed Services panel
Dem senator: GOP has a ‘civil war in their party’
Democrats circulate carbon tax bill
Ryan: ‘We are not going to give up on destroying the healthcare system’
White House: Budget likely in early April
Gingrich and wife go for Indian dinner date
Rodman plans vacation with North Korean leader Kim
Staying the course to end the LRA
White House considering new ‘Race to the Top’ rules
GOP renews attack on Census survey that asks too many personal questions
Website claims to have hacked first lady’s financial records
Senate Democrats’ budget includes nearly $1 trillion in new taxes
Obama administration urged to step in Georgian constitutional crisis
The cowardly carbon tax
Study finds loophole in self-regulation of junk food ads
SEC nominee wins praise — but consumer advocate remains stuck
Pentagon in survival mode as officials face budget uncertainty
Ryan budget targets DOT, high-speed rail funding
Rubio: Tourists, senators treat Cuba like a ‘zoo’ or ‘field trip’
Intel chief: Sequester will make it harder to stop terrorists
Medicare would negotiate drug prices under Dem bill
Top spy warns ‘open’ intelligence hearings pose risk to US abroad
Report: Michelle Obama to grace cover of April Vogue
Dems, allies line up against Ryan Medicare plan
Study: Corporations shifting billions more offshore
We don’t really know what the North Koreans are thinking
Report: DOD launches review of new drone medal
Ryan budget blocks Obama welfare waivers
Reid: Hopes to adopt motion to proceed to government funding bill Tuesday
Two senators ask Holder to clarify ‘too big to jail’ comments
US politicians should reject Keystone pipeline
Democrats bash Ryan budget as ‘radical’ retread
Obama: Climate change threatens shipping routes
Rep. Gingrey, mulling Senate bid, regrets defending Todd Akin
US repeating mistakes of past in Syria
Obama calls Sen. Flake about immigration reform
Small-business index continues rise
Strengthening Senate oversight of nuclear security
Poll: Obama approval rating, popularity take a hit
Faith, politics and comprehensive immigration reform
Ryan: We ‘owe the American people a balanced budget’
Krugman is right, Washington is wrong
McConnell: Obama’s delayed budget like dropping a ‘bomb’ on legislative process
The comatose press and populace
‘Twilight’ actress to join senators at Dirksen briefing
Reid says Ryan’s budget ‘is anything but fair’
WATCH LIVE: Obama speaks at Export Council meeting
Ryan plan would end Medicare’s ‘blank check’
Ryan budget would slash health spending, access to coverage
Paul Ryan budget slashes spending by $5.7 trillion to reach 10-year balance
McCaskill: Ryan budget ‘disingenuous’ on Medicare
News bites: Coming a courting
News bites: Car sales, concerts and comets (Oh My!)
Paul Ryan fundraising off new budget
Republican wants details on offshore-drilling corruption unit
Mark Kelly buys AR-15 assault weapon
McCaskill slams Ryan as blatantly ‘disingenuous’ on Medicare cuts
Tuesday: Senate Dems lunch with Obama, then move to CR
News bites: Budget day
Wasserman Schultz: Obama advocacy group won’t overtake DNC
News bites: China willing to talk over cyberattacks
News bites: Regulators struggle to draft calorie labeling rules
News bites: NOAA says US winter warmer, wetter than average
Poll: Public trusts GOP, Obama evenly on gun control
Obama meets with Arab-American leaders ahead of Middle East trip
Lynch, Markey release first ads of Mass. Senate campaign
Families take a back seat for members
Copy Clinton on guns, Feinstein tells Obama
U-turn takes Obama to lawmakers’ turf
John Guzik: Seeing DC in depth
Freshmen Democrats in the House launch sweeping fundraising effort
Ryan budget would approve Keystone pipeline, open more land for drilling
Mikulski, Shelby reach deal on funding bill
GOP members vow opposition if leaders ignore ‘Hastert Rule’
Ryan to rally GOP on 10-year plan
Ryan budget cuts spending $4.6 trillion
Energy push losing power in Congress
Sugar war pits farmers against candy-makers
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