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The Hill Articles: April 2, 2014
April 2
GOP lawmakers say Ryan plan will pass
Republicans big winner on landmark ruling
Fort Hood shooting looms over fundraiser
House panel approves Ryan budget
Van Hollen confident all Dems will reject Ryan budget
Court kills limits on campaign cash
Obama to meet with lawmakers on Ukraine
Obama ‘heartbroken’ by shooting
Under Contract
OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Senate panel to vote on interrogation report
President’s ‘war on coal’ will cause consumer costs to rise
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: EPA didn’t disclose health risks in pollution tests
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Senate Finance tackles tax extenders
Ga. Senate candidate knocks opponent for not having college degree
CMS plans landmark release of Medicare data
OVERNIGHT TECH: Senate patent talk heats up
Jindal’s healthcare reform plan is blueprint to ending ObamaCare mess
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: O-Care activists tout tax credits
Rubio may sacrifice Senate seat to run for White House
A.B. Stoddard: ObamaCare must change
Budowsky: Republicans’ O-Care blunders
Greens groups: Court ruling opens door for polluters
IRS chief: Funding increase more likely after Tea Party, ACA dies down
Congress should preserve our edge in electronic warfare
Is bitcoin good for business?
Bipartisan legislation offers help for veterans with hearing problems
Jumping to 2016
Michigan Dems welcome Obama with open arms
Senate votes to confirm Obama nominees
Senate Dems block GOP amendments to unemployment bill
House Dems ask EPA to investigate nat gas drilling’s connection to water contamination
Senators seek tax breaks for NASCAR, wind energy, beer
GM chief: Hearings ‘tough but fair’
The high cost of Puerto Rican statehood
Republicans push for answers on feared Internet takeover
White House cheers universal pre-K in NYC
Consumers spending more on credit cards, keeping balances lower
DOJ silent on spy chief investigation
Lawmaker: Government itself is confused over ObamaCare’s 30-hour workweek
‘Serious overture’ made to Patton Boggs
US urges safe, fair Afghan election
Obama: Congress has ‘clear choice’ on minimum wage
Saving money on coins could cost small business big money
Gallup poll finds majority favor energy conservation over production
FCC head defends broadcaster crackdown
Treasury announces moves to smooth tax law implementation
DOE overhauls controversial vehicle tech loan program
2016 GOP convention down to six cities
Sanders: Supreme Court decision turns US into oligarchy
Republicans: GOP leaders ‘deceived’ us
Obama’s Asia trip: Assurance is the key
Iran’s UN ambassador pick sparks outrage
Doubt looms over report clearing Christie
Morell: CIA didn’t try to mislead Congress on Benghazi terror attack
WH: ‘Critical’ to get to the bottom of GM recall failure
Lobbyists groan as fundraising cap falls
American torture: From the CIA to Guantanamo
Report: EPA withheld health risks from human test subjects
WH disappointed by Israel, Palestinians
Why America may be the future bastion of virtual currencies
House advances bill to end ObamaCare’s 30-hour workweek
FIFA tells senators it won’t ban Russia from World Cup tournament
Post-9/11 war vets: Bush over Obama
Blackburn: Obama hypocritical on Internet control
Hoeven: GOP will move on Keystone in May
House legislative branch bill shifts spending
Froman’s Senate hearing rescheduled for April 30
Women’s museum advances in House
Democratic Rep: Ryan budget isn’t going anywhere
Law firm spins off healthcare lobbying operation
Iran’s United Nations pick ‘a slap in the face,’ says Sen. Graham
Employee blasts CFPB as hostile environment
RNC chairman: Campaign finance ruling ‘a very big victory’
Close private equity’s ‘carried interest’ loophole
O-Care activists shifted strategy to tout tax credits
Palin calls Ryan budget plan a ‘joke’
House GOP looks to deny U.S. visa to Iran’s ambassador
Ted Cruz to write book
Many say NSA news changed their behavior
Rep. Terry apologizes for GM hearing ignition joke
Dems see campaign gold in Ryan budget
House appropriators cut military construction spending
Cruz: Religious liberty ‘has never been more under assault’
Rep. Farenthold: Bill Maher is helping me
ObamaCare is a losing proposition
SEC defends email privacy practices
Kerry: Russia using energy as a weapon
Senate appropriators skeptical of A-10 cuts
Scott Brown moves closer to announcing official Senate bid
GOP predicts Ryan budget will pass
Chrysler recalls nearly 870,000 SUVs
Senator: GM had ‘culture of cover-up’
Hoyer: House won’t pass any spending bills under Ryan budget
Boehner backs Supreme Court decision
Dem: Too soon to say if O-Care tide turned
Holder: 9/11 mastermind’s military trial will go forward
Boehner cheers Supreme Court
Mr. President, how about a side of back-pay with that executive order?
GM chief ‘deeply sorry’
Jindal: GOP needs to get specific on healthcare
US energy imports hit two-decade low
Read Supreme Court decision
Unemployment bill clears hurdle in Senate
New regs for Thursday: Gay marriages, whistleblowers, energy efficiency
Russia ups Ukraine’s natural-gas bill
Obama gives Pelosi rosary blessed by pope
The right kind of patent reform
Bill Plante, the newsman who likes wine and dislikes DC’s ‘This Town’ culture
Bitcoin comes to Capitol
McConnell calls for vote on right-to-work measure
Private-sector employers added 191,000 jobs in March
Senate Democrats poised to declassify interrogations report
Top Dem calls for ‘rebalancing’ video law
Reid: Ryan-Koch budget harms students, seniors
The top myths about US foreign aid
Koch group thanks Southerland on O-Care
Poll finds narrow advantage for Dems
Ortiz’s selfie with Obama sponsored?
GM hot seat shifts to Senate
Wednesday: Unemployment in the Senate, ObamaCare in the House
Obama’s approval ticks up; low on foreign policy
Honda improves fundraising haul
Sebelius: ‘Our work is far from over’
ATF needs to get its act together
Jindal unveils O-Care replacement plan
Tech advocacy groups back Internet oversight shift
Scandal-plagued DC mayor ousted in primary
Obama official faces critics of plan to cede Internet oversight
Showdown puts energy credit at risk
Bush vets back in action
GOP gets ObamaCare angst
Obama shifts focus back to economy
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