The Hill Articles: May 15, 2014

May 15
Official: Trade deal with Colombia yielding economic benefits Hill Democrats slam FCC ‘fast lane’ vote No refinancing for Obamas Audit: IRS does little to battle alimony discrepancies OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Shinseki testifies on VA scandal Audit: USPS savings claims could be overblown CAMPAIGN OVERNIGHT: GOP makes hay over VA Obama to hold summit on sports concussions Senate to vote on lawyer who authored drone strike memos Pentagon issues report on sexual harrassment It’s time for e-fairness legislation Wyden: Tax breaks bill could return next week Lew’s lesson to Georgetown grads: Follow Reagan Homebuilder confidence falls in May McDonough: I have ‘scars’ to prove Obama outrage over VA Decisions in Washington will determine the future of South Carolina’s Internet economy Republicans crowdsource questions for FCC chief Harkin says e-cigarettes target children Moran unsatisfied with Shinseki testimony House to vote on VA accountability bill Limbaugh: Clinton’s only achievement is ‘being female’ Obama endorses Conyers for reelection Subpoenaed CFPB officials to testify on discrimination claims Sen. Whitehouse challenges Rubio on climate change Lawmakers file conference report on $8.2B water bill ‘Clueless’ star may join Fox News Reid blames Scott Brown for failed energy bill Serbia’s privatization challenge WH pledges scrutiny of net neutrality plan GOP blocks tax breaks bill Joint Chiefs Chairman Dempsey backs Shinseki Congresswoman’s miracle baby ‘continues to beat the odds’ White House applauds housing reform bill, but no stand on vote Senate votes to confirm more Arizona judges Issa issues second Kerry subpoena FCC limits Verizon, AT&T in airwaves auction Bridges to nowhere are no economic stimulus White House crisis manager goes to WilmerHale Santorum endorses Handel in Georgia McCain: Put Ukraine on track to join NATO Musicians win exemption from elephant ivory ban FERC finds little environmental impact in Md. natural gas export project EPA toughening oil refinery regulations GOP Rep.: ‘Zero’ chance of ObamaCare repeal Idaho GOP debate goes viral Harvard survey reveals libertarian streak among youth Senate GOP presses Reid to launch Benghazi special panel Alexander internal poll shows him trouncing primary challengers WH talent show draws stars, students PhRMA warns out-of-pocket costs could double under O-Care Reid: New York Times firing ‘perfect example’ of need for pay equity Foxx: ‘We’re heading for a cliff’ without highway bill Retail stores commit to cyber info sharing WH: Obama angry about VA allegations One in four young people ‘definitely’ plans to vote in midterms On Ukraine, don’t make a bad situation worse India’s 2014 elections Pentagon ‘cautious’ in sharing information with Nigeria Obama lawyers head to Capitol Hill to push for judicial nominee House to consider Defense bill next week Senate confirms Caldwell as assistant AG Rep. Coble endorses Berger for his seat Senate GOP anger at Reid boiling over Hensarling on Senate housing reform bill: Too little, too late House Transportation Committee Chairman faces primary Senators want rules to protect consumers from ‘malvertising’ Menendez questions if Nigeria’s military can free kidnapped girls Securities industry scare tactics designed to serve industry, not retirement investors Dems seek tougher crackdown on ‘disgraceful’ for-profit colleges ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ almost performed after Christie at 9/11 ceremony US oil production hits 28-year high FCC moves ahead with Internet ‘fast lanes’ Rush Limbaugh wins children’s book award Senate Banking panel approves Fannie, Freddie wind-down Senators want inquiry into O-Care center paid to sit and hit refresh GOP senator: Firing Shinseki won’t fix VA Doing the work, not looking for shortcuts Senate panel approves $265B highway bill GOP senator: Reid trying to ‘gag us’ like Putin Obama dedicates 9/11 museum McConnell honors spirit of Kentucky — bourbon Veterans group offers to protect whistleblowers Fast food workers strike for higher wages New regs for Friday: Truck drivers, military child care, money transfers RNC wants independent probe of VA Sen. Coons: Nigeria ‘took too long’ to begin search for kidnapped girls VA’s Shinseki ‘mad as hell’ Santorum backs Ore. underdog for Senate Giuliani rules out run for mayor Jobless claims fall to seven-year low Training America’s veterans for wireless careers Reid: Kochs expect a return on their investment Calif. pipeline leak spills 50K gallons of crude oil Condi Rice likes Jeb Bush, Rubio in 2016 Senate to mark up highway bill Climate, God and Marco Rubio VA chief set for Senate grilling Thursday: Senate continues work on tax extenders, nominations Survey: Clinton leads GOP in Ohio Ark. court vacates ruling striking down voter ID law McConnell’s net favorability rating lowest among leadership Ark. court: Ruling on gay marriage said nothing about licenses Obama, Clintons tour 9/11 museum GOP: We’ll move immigration reform if we take back Senate Should US have ‘right to be forgotten?’ House silent on highway funding GOP lawmaker: Keystone will be approved if we win Senate