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The Hill Articles: October 14, 2014
October 14
‘Two Ferns’ star coins Obama nickname
Michelle Obama: ‘Turnip for what?’
Group expects more than $1B in political ads by end of 2014 cycle
Landrieu rates Obama a 7 out of 10
Landrieu seeks distance from Obama
Middle class takes center stage in Arkansas debate
Benghazi suspect indicted on new charges
Senate Democrats surrender fight against GOP Leader McConnell
Obama’s long-term ISIS strategy could hurt Dems in short term
Obama to virtually meet with world leaders on ISIS and Ebola
Supreme Court blocks Texas abortion restrictions
Official: Coalition has ‘strategic momentum’ over ISIS
Mark Mellman: Time and chance
OVERNIGHT CAMPAIGN: National Dems pull the plug on Kentucky
Report: IRS charged for keeping documents too long
Lobbying World
State Dept. climate envoy talks global accord, US expectations
Texas senators back constitutional O-Care challenge
Poll: Iowa GOP split between McCain and Paul wings
AP: US to allow Harvard junior to return
OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Obama defends strategy as ISIS advances
Biden: I was ‘only white boy’ on east side
Report: IRS’s English not always plain
Senate Dem calls for prescription drug regs
Poll finds Iowa Dems favoring Clinton over Warren
Obamas hit road for midterm blitz
Banks want relief from ‘robocall’ restrictions
Stevie Wonder visits FCC
Markos Moulitsas: So goes South Dakota
Panetta: ‘Nobody’ to blame for Benghazi
MoveOn demands Grimes take down ‘offensive’ immigration ad
Dick Morris: Bad season for Democrats
Obama: World ‘not doing enough’ to stop Ebola
David Webb: Election 2014: 20 days to save the world
Budowsky: Grimes, a true Clinton Dem
Rep. Duckworth retires from the military
CDC announces faster test for enterovirus D68
Scott Walker doesn’t think minimum wage ‘serves a purpose’
Gun control group targets Grassley staffer running for House seat
Will India destroy the WTO’s agricultural reforms?
Former No. 2 at DOE heads to Harvard
Rep. Hastings: Interior wastes money on congressional requests
Obama: Expect ‘setbacks’ in ISIS fight
CDC director regrets US Ebola response
Chelsea Clinton opens up on motherhood & childhood
US offers $45M reward to find al Qaeda leaders
Kerry: Iran deal isn’t ‘out of reach’
Poll: Udall leading big with Hispanics
Companies must be cyber-prepared
GQ to bow tie-wearing Polis: ‘We’re keeping an eye on you’
Capito caters to coal
76 hospital workers at risk of Ebola infection
Senate GOP report: ObamaCare driving up deficit
Obama budget chief: Speed up Ebola funds
Florida Republican questions administration opposition to West Africa travel ban
American Air jet makes emergency landing after cracking mid-flight
New rules would protect cell tower workers
Justice Dept. shifts plea agreement policy
Hensarling: I ‘look forward’ to Ex-Im’s end
Neglecting mass slaughter is not a smart strategy
‘Right to be forgotten’ spreads to Japan
WH dodges controversy over Grimes vote
Libertarian Senate hopeful dies in Iowa
Gallup: Economic confidence at yearly high
White House won’t rule out Ebola ‘czar’
NextGen challenges climate skeptics in final midterm push
SEC chief hails ‘big data’ in insider trading bust
NRSC: Independent ‘just like’ Dem in SD
Native Americans push FCC to cut radio station of Redskins owner
Roberts has ‘no confidence’ in Obama on Ebola crisis
The public wins when National Labs, industry innovate together
Clinton decries state of press
Obama economic pitch to target women
Senator ‘concerned’ by Pentagon’s autism spending cuts
National Dems start spending in Georgia
Greens sue to protect wolverines
DHS: No evidence of ISIS Ebola threat
Bitcoin firm fights back against FTC
Treasury clears way for Gulf restoration funds
GOP ad slams Nolan on requirements for welfare recipients
The supermodel who ‘looked like crap’ meeting Obama
Dragging out the issue of crude oil exports
US-led forces conduct 21 airstrikes to save Kurdish town from ISIS
Source: No attorney general nominee until after midterms
Study: Confidence sags among small-biz owners
Study: Marcellus shale created 45,000 construction jobs
Extending R&D credit will save jobs, spur innovation
Rule would expand life insurance to same-sex partners’ children
Survey: Media focused on Clinton, Cristie and Romney for 2016
Heinrich calls for $10.10 minimum wage
WH needles McConnell for ObamaCare remark
Turnout urgency works for Colorado Dems
US triumphs over India in trade dispute at the WTO
Poll: Two-thirds back Ebola travel ban
Report: Bloomberg favored ‘compulsory’ service in military
White House: US working to dismantle ‘murderous’ Boko Haram
Vitter: Emails show green collusion with EPA on climate rule
Priebus: Billionaire climate activist trying to suppress GOP votes
Muddling through recent shakeups in the Louisiana Senate race
Boehner gets shy on the dance floor
RNC sends $6.5M to target Senate, House
Hillary Clinton: ‘Is that a marijuana plant?’
Dem opponent: Fla. rep’s attacks ‘pathetic’
Two lawmakers propose first House bipartisan Ex-Im bill
Zuckerberg gives $25M to CDC Ebola fund
Priebus blasts ‘idiotic’ group over Ebola ad
DSCC cuts another ad slamming Cotton’s vote against VAWA
Clinton meets Adelson at Las Vegas event
Chris Christie’s New Jersey problem
New regs for Wednesday: Recalls, insurance, pipelines
What we don’t know, and why
Martin O’Malley for veep?
Giffords hits the road for stronger gun regs
Enhanced Ebola screening begins at London airport
Dropbox denies hack
Perdue, Nunn spar over his career in new ads
Snowden filmmaker ‘profoundly let down’ by Congress
2014 oil demand growth projections weakest since 2009
Ebola death rate rises to 70 percent, says world health body
Blumenthal to schools: Drop ‘deadly deal’ with big tobacco
Why U.S. cloud companies and the economy are under threat
NATO, Ukraine targeted by Russian hackers
Paul Ryan doubts human role in climate change
Obama to huddle with allies over ISIS battle
Seeing U.S. business opportunity in a low-carbon economy
In Texas and across the nation, abortion access a sign of women’s well-being
Ann Romney: ‘Mitt and I are done’
Ebola outbreak partly fueled by misguided priorities and misallocated resources
What’s the scoop on what’s in your food?
Warren inches away from Obama
Cruz sidelined in midterm push
Enforcing the laws of the land
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