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The Hill Articles: August 25, 2015
August 25
Trump impersonates Asian negotiators
National Guardsman in French train attack to receive medal
Trump in testy exchange with Univision anchor: ‘I have a bigger heart than you do’
Clinton endorsed by Tom Vilsack
Trump poaches campaign staffer from Perry
Trump kicks Univision reporter out of press conference
Planned Parenthood launches legal battle to keep funding
Dem: No apology for ‘noose’ remark about Scott Walker
Grassley presses Kerry for details on Clinton email, attorney
California lagging on cybersecurity
Whatever happened to Norwegian Air’s Open Skies bid?
Federal court upholds SEC pay-to-play rule
Graham: ‘If you think Megyn Kelly is a bimbo, you’re an idiot’
IRS discloses new Lois Lerner email account
Sen. Cotton: Reid ‘scared’ of Iran debate
No nukes for Iran
Budget director: ‘Tax cuts do not pay for themselves’
Trump, Hillary are distant relatives, experts say
ESPN suspends Curt Schilling for comparing radical Muslims to Nazis
GOP lawmaker knocks EPA over mine spill response
Ambassador Caroline Kennedy scolded for using personal email
Pentagon finalizes plan to bring Turkey into anti-ISIS air campaign
Owen Wilson: Trump is the Charlie Sheen of politics
Bush jumps on Twitter to defend Planned Parenthood attacks
Policies and profit drive dangerous detention of LGBT immigrants
FDA: Just Mayo is not real mayonnaise
Hunter Biden: I wasn’t on Ashley Madison
GOP voters strongly favor marijuana reform, poll finds
White House: Obama ‘flip’ in referring to ‘crazies’
DOJ shutters site alleged to promote male prostitution
Ozone rule to unleash ‘EPA Police,’ group says
The Patriot Act debate
Trump fires back: Megyn Kelly not a ‘quality journalist’
Taxpayers sue the IRS over data breach
Clinton aides to appear before Benghazi committee next week
Pentagon displeased with Iran missile sale
Groups push for new federal mining rules
Prison drone delivery thwarted
Obama accuses Derek Jeter of hustling him at golf
Court rules against New Jersey’s sports betting law
Murray backs Iran deal
Biden to lobby DNC members on Iran
Trump leaving rivals in the dust
Trump, Elvis and the economic crisis
Don’t let the sun set on peace
Russia briefly bans Wikipedia
Lessig pledges not to run as independent if he loses Dem primary
Graham: I’ll ‘beat’ Trump’s ‘brains out’ in SC primary
Jeb: ‘We ought to end sequestration for the military’
Fox News chief slams Trump over Kelly comments: He should apologize
Appeasing Iran?
Fox News hosts hit back at Trump after new attacks on Megyn Kelly
Obama would face impossible choice between Biden, Clinton
Budowsky: Why Biden shouldn’t run, and won’t
Egg farmers plead guilty to child labor scheme
Poll finds Clinton with dominant lead in Iowa
DC blocks $6.8B utility merger
Rasmussen: Nearly half of voters think Hillary should suspend campaign
Hispanics pan Trump in poll
Top Dems hammer Jeb Bush on ‘anchor babies’ comments
Asian caucus leader slams Bush for ‘anchor babies’ remark
Iran nuke capitulation could trigger Constitutional crisis
Planned Parenthood files lawsuit against Jindal
O’Malley: Nothing ‘tough’ about Trump
Strickland ekes out lead over Portman in Ohio
Jeb Bush’s campaign looks to cut costs
California governor spars with oil industry over climate bill
Trump hits Bush with attack ad quoting opponent’s mom
Iran deal: The long road ahead
Liberal group: Dem running mate must support Iran deal
Trump, Sanders ahead in New Hampshire poll
Ashley Madison sued for emotional duress
Trump leads South Carolina as Graham support falls
Wireless group wants more mock auctions before spectrum sale
Gogo promises faster inflight Wi-Fi after FAA clearance
CBO projects deficit of $426 billion for 2015
Obama said to give Biden his blessing
Former Sen. Trent Lott endorses Kasich
8 in 10 schools struggle financially to meet healthy lunch regs, survey shows
New regs for Wednesday: American flag, cloud computing, hunting and fishing
Foiled Paris attack sparks fresh calls for US rail security
CBO: US could reach $18.1 trillion debt limit in mid-November
Calling out the Saudi nuclear bluff
Park Service celebrates 99th birthday
Obama’s national security adviser to visit China
Poll: Bush leads Clinton in Michigan
Biggest problem with Iran deal may be one we haven’t even talked about
Trump on stock market: ‘I had a feeling things were bad’
Latest video claims Planned Parenthood received up to $75 per ‘body part’
UN watchdog makes pitch for money to fund Iran deal
GOP pollster’s legs ‘shaking’ after Trump focus group
President Obama has a new term for opponents: ‘The crazies’
Understanding Syrian mindset is key to redirecting anti-ISIS effort
Trump: ‘Asians are very offended’ by Bush’s ‘anchor babies’ remark
Trump: Give Chinese president Big Mac instead of state dinner
3 reasons Bernie Sanders is now the Democratic front-runner
China’s economic woes may spread beyond its borders
Cheap oil, economic growth and income inequality
A rose for Julian: Remembering Horace Julian Bond
Republicans worry Donald Trump will hurt their Senate chances
Pelosi in overdrive to sell Obama’s nuke deal with Iran
Dems see bad news for Clinton in market plunge
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