The Hill Articles: June 3, 2015

June 3
Va. lawmaker denied vote to restore DC Metro funding Twitter abruptly shuts down tool tracking lawmakers’ deleted tweets Carly Fiorina worth $59 million Spy critics eye next targets Sanders seeks support from ‘Draft Warren’ movement Obama confident fast-track will pass the House Cruz apologizes for joke about Biden ‘during his time of grief’ Under Contract Lawmakers work to create a more humane world White House fence jumper’s weapons cache revealed ‘Marijuana vote-a-rama’ has pot advocates optimistic Boston suspect threatened to behead Pamela Gellar: report The case for the Green Climate Fund OVERNIGHT CYBERSECURITY: Bitcoin regulation begins House passes fourth ’16 appropriations bill Cantwell: Don’t put Ex-Im in defense bill Obama’s trust-me approach falls flat with Democrats Brent Budowsky: Marco Rubio’s moment A.B. Stoddard: Danger in ACA ruling OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Senate leaders spar over defense bill House votes to block Obama from defending immigration actions in court Lanny Davis: Hillary Clinton and the frenzy of the media OVERNIGHT TECH: Patent reform on deck Drug program protects patients OVERNIGHT FINANCE: Boehner still searching for trade votes Lincoln Chafee calls for change to metric system in launching White House bid House challenges Obama on ‘backdoor’ surveillance OVERNIGHT ENERGY: House panel advances chemical safety overhaul Manufacturers knock Warren’s Ex-Im slam OVERNIGHT HEALTHCARE: Pennsylvania is first to offer ObamaCare backup plan OVERNIGHT REGULATION: Republicans look to roll back gun regs Dem: Obama needs ‘more elbow grease’ for trade vote Calif. considering 10-cent gas tax hike Coal miners union to sue over Obama power plant rules Boston attacker allegedly plotted beheadings, cop kills Himes becomes 16th Dem to back fast-track Congress should preserve the IPR process Google exec: Increasing workplace diversity a ‘long struggle’ Boehner slams Senate hawks over NSA bill Crash your enemy’s Skype with this message Perry’s wife: 2012 White House run created a ‘pretty dark time’ Kerry Washington hopes for a FLOTUS ‘Scandal’ cameo Boehner: We don’t have votes yet on trade Sanders slams Jeb Bush over Social Security remarks Clinton aide unmoved by bad poll numbers Legalize energy freedom Bakken oil region gets crime strike force Dem: Obama taking trade fight too personally Democrats line up behind targeted Dodd-Frank tweaks Bill would help military dogs find a home in the US Pentagon: More than 50 labs may have received live anthrax Open records battle veers into Hillary emails, IRS targeting Many Congressional Republicans opposing Obamacare have a conflict of interest GOP seeks to nix race question for gun buyers Obama: China ‘putting out feelers’ on joining trade deal GOP governors pressure Congress on ObamaCare backup plan FBI to probe Russia, Qatar World Cup bids House rejects allowing Gitmo transfers GOP chairman: TSA nominee vote could happen this week House votes to block exports to Cuban military McCain pushes for quick action on defense bill Iran’s cooperation with North Korea includes nuclear warhead technology Boston knife-wielder said to pose ‘very serious threat’ House panel approves FCC transparency bill White House official: Upcoming rules could have stopped IRS breach Dem: Tech knows more about trade deal than Congress does Romney defeating Bush in GOP establishment primary White House: FIFA could benefit from new leadership House bill would limit Fed’s emergency powers Tired of bad news? Read this. US envoy: ISIS fight may last ‘generation or more’ Sony hack: The movie DC bill to expand birth control access could draw GOP ire Wife of Chris Matthews running for House House panel approves toxic chemical safety bill Justice cuts deals with two more Swiss banks Extremists using digital ‘call to arms’ in US Hoyer calls for vote on Export-Import Bank Republican calls for Court to protect religious institutions in gay marriage ruling Net neutrality critics hedge bets on delay request INTERPORTPOLICE press Senate to approve TSA chief Walker hopes to ‘reestablish’ Patriot Act Republicans target ‘bullet ban’ in DOJ spending bill Lock the door on credit card thieves Rubio unveils bill to block US money from going to Cuba’s military Wall Street watchdog sets rules for bitcoin Bill to reform Medicare appeals process moves forward Lincoln Chafee set to join 2016 race Airlines launch petition against airport ‘tax’ Santorum: Pope Francis should stay out of climate change debate Ex-Rep. Hill is first Dem to jump into Indiana Senate race Caitlyn Jenner’s inspiration? Monica Lewinsky Reid, McConnell start defense fight Crop insurance helps farmers survive unpredictable weather Rubio sells house he owned with controversial former lawmaker Ex-Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal’s testimony on Benghazi delayed Private-sector hiring picks up in May New Zealand court: Megaupload founder can hold on to property New regs for Thursday: Airports, civil rights, renewable fuel standard State goes after NYT reporter for Iran story Senator: Let states use federal highway money for local projects Poll: No Clinton, Bush baggage in Iowa How influential is business in Washington? Nuclear weapons: The ‘all of the above’ strategy Wednesday: Appropriations, NDAA Obama says he has 20 Dem votes on fast-track White House reminds Senate of defense veto threat Agriculture secretary defends Obama’s ethanol record Senate panel considers key changes to patent overhaul Pennsylvania is first state to announce ObamaCare subsidies backup plan Making sense of Iranian S-300s Obama to seek cut in airplane emissions George W. Bush tops Obama on favorability in new poll Hillary jokes: My server would have stopped White House hackers In reforming military compensation system, keep the whole force in mind Jindal to announce plans in late June Obama’s approval rating sinks in new poll Jeb Bush is wrong; Iraq was not stable before Obama Light at the end of the tunnel for patent reform, or an oncoming train? Combating religious intolerance while protecting freedom of expression Income inequality, wage stagnation and a new Democratic Party The NSA battle’s winners, losers Key Dems could decide fate of Obama’s trade agenda TSA’s competence in doubt Hillary Clinton’s honesty problem Will the ‘Three Amigos’ survive 2016 elections? Uber’s business model under fire Ex-Im Bank is critical to US role in energy exports