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The Hill Articles: March 24, 2015
March 24
Cruz says he’s raised $1M since launching bid
Court to hear appeal on Obama’s immigration actions
Nicklaus awarded Congressional Gold Medal
EPA regulations face new test at high court
Obama has few allies on Iran
Rubio, Cotton want to boost defense spending
Mark Mellman: Flawed campaign
Bald first lady? Michelle Obama’s ‘Jeopardy!’ appearance raises questions
Cornyn: Lynch likely to be confirmed
Barney Frank: Biden ‘can’t keep his mouth shut’
Senators block Social Security amendment to budget
OVERNIGHT HEALTHCARE: Senator hints at another short-term ‘doc fix’
DEFENSE OVERNIGHT: Obama hits pause on Afghan drawdown
Lobbying World
Democratic trio set to sell Obama administration’s trade agenda
Senators oppose amendment on Obama budget
OVERNIGHT TECH: Wheeler’s marathon coming to a close
House begins budget debate
Former Indiana Dem rep says he’s ‘strongly considering’ Senate bid
Tax delinquency among federal workers ticks down
Bill sets expiration date for federal rules
Markos Moulitsas: Back to Social Security
Android flaw could expose half of all users, firm warns
Senate splits on equal pay votes
Ted Cruz, ObamaCare customer
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: GOP seeks state opt-out for EPA rule
Dick Morris: Who is Jeb’s main rival?
OVERNIGHT CYBERSECURITY: House Intel releases cyber bill
OVERNIGHT FINANCE: Budget faceoff; SEC chief in hot seat
Open Skies deals with Qatar, UAE need a level playing field
OVERNIGHT REGULATION: Big day in court for EPA
Senate passes veterans amendments
New homes sales hit highest level in seven years
Graham could offer resolution on slowing Afghan drawdown
GOP chairman bungles ObamaCare math
Union wants armed TSA agents
Mitt Romney takes shot at Candy Crowley
GOP braces for free-for-all in Indiana
Re-stabilizing Syria begins with the departure of Assad
Dems offer amendment to protect Social Security
Amazon: Even with exemption, drone rules still too restrictive
EPA prioritizes contaminated sites in Michigan, Indiana
Inhofe targets bullet ban in budget
House bills cracking down on burdensome rules pass committee
Cornyn: Short-term ‘doc fix’ might be needed
House Republicans demand FDIC punish ‘Operation Choke Point’ operators
Senate will vote on Obama budget
Listen to the words, not the speaker
Senator says military members on ISIS ‘kill list’ need help ‘immediately’
Cruz signing up for ObamaCare
Top Senate Intel Dem: White House ‘encouraged’ by cyber bill
Bill expands access to medical marijuana
Key Dems back plan to slow Afghan drawdown
Obama: Netanyahu issues not personal
New hacking apps aid ‘sextortion’
Reid: No comment yet on ‘doc fix’ deal
Senators push bipartisan bill to build nuclear waste dump
Florida voters cool to Rubio, Bush running for president
IRS paperless policies are making filing even more taxing
Defense hawks will back budget with higher war spending
Cruz: 9/11 made me country music fan
Obama puts drawdown of US troops in Afghanistan on hold
Fictional TV presidents more popular than real one
GOP amendment would let the states opt out of EPA climate rule
Senior lawmakers feeling ‘left out’ after news of Israeli spying
Ben Carson called Obama a ‘psychopath’
GOP pushes to privatize air traffic control
Unchecked government drones? Not over my backyard
Dem whip: Medicare deal will pass
Rolls-Royce engine company will pay $1.2 million for violating Clean Air Act
Bill would assist disabled vets on discharged loans
House effort would completely dismantle Patriot Act
Senators adopt Medicaid amendments to budget
Markey seeks repeal of medical device tax
Angus King: Reports of Israel spying on US talks ‘disturbing’
Labor board still grappling with Supreme Court defeat
Will privacy groups support the House Intel cyber bill?
GOP lawmaker gets ‘goose bumps’ during budget debate
Achieve global food security by investing in universities
Pelosi defends deal from Senate Dems
Senate rejects Sanders’ infrastructure measure
Half of ObamaCare subsidy recipients will owe on their taxes
Feds launch audit of state highway spending
Denial-of-service attacks becoming more sophisticated
Obama picks Biden aide as senior adviser
Oversight chairman shows Secret Service barricade video for first time
Republicans grill SEC chief over financial adviser regs
House Intel unveils cyber sharing legislation
GOP lawmaker slams Obama for threatening Israel policy change
Budget could be used as weapon against FCC
Petraeus for president?
Bipartisanship is our strongest ally against Iran
Portman seeks to bolster spending for ‘medically complex’ children
Coats retirement in Indiana shakes up 2016 battle for Senate
Boehner ‘baffled’ by Israeli spying report
GOP expects budget backed by defense hawks to win
White House: No sign terrorism led to crash
DOT: Onion spoof was ‘half-right’
VA to ease ’40-mile’ rule for private medical care
Defense hawks sound off on budget plan
ATF chief heading to NFL
Green ads hit vulnerable GOP senators for climate votes
Legislators move against mass surveillance
TSA PreCheck reaches 1 million participants
No jorts allowed at CNN’s correspondents’ brunch
Lew says fast-track vital to US economy
Roadmaps to Opportunity: Federal Policy, Poverty and America’s Kids
New regs for Wednesday: Chemicals, timber, futures trading
Reid: GOP defense budget boost a ‘fraud’
Cruz: Obama was a ‘backbencher’ in Senate
Class politics enter Senate budget debate
Madonna: ‘The person I most want to meet is President Obama’
Chuck Norris fighting A-10 cuts
GOP rep. files bill to revamp truck safety scoring
Waters looks to tighten up SEC waivers
Welcomed movement on 340B reform
House unveils $200B Medicare deal
Shipping analysts warn of cyberattacks at sea
Tuesday: Budget debate
George Zimmerman bashes Obama for ‘incendiary remarks’ on Trayvon Martin
Twitch warns of potential hack
Conservative group gives alternative House budget top marks
Will Republicans do the bidding of a Las Vegas billionaire?
Facebook lights up over Cruz announcement
Scientists to Smithsonian: Cut Koch ties
No survivors in jet crash in French Alps
Stark choices: ‘People’s Budget’ vs. Republican plan
Online gambling ban won’t stop online gambling – but will stop economic growth
Cruz: ‘You have to bring everyone together’
Israel reportedly spied on Iran nuclear talks
Focus on prevention to stop tuberculosis
Estate tax harms minority- and women-owned businesses
Spotlight on budget’s odd couple
Standing by our warriors
Senate battle for Florida Dems?
Why Silicon Valley isn’t sweating the Fed’s looming rate hike
Greens: Obama caved on fracking
The Federal Reserve, the least conservative government institution
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