The Hill Articles: January 19, 2016

January 19
Sanders: Government should never forget the little guy Cruz: GOP establishment is picking Trump Glenn Beck to appear with Cruz as he swats at Trump Michigan gov: ‘I will fix’ Flint water crisis Immigration ruling to roil 2016 race Leahy: Don’t stop Obama nomination votes Carson volunteer in car crash has died Palin stumps for Trump: ‘No more pussyfooting around’ We need more from Obama to fight climate change David Webb: Momentum meets reality in the GOP field Overnight Healthcare: Senate to ditch House-passed ‘cures’ bill Obama vetoes GOP attempt to block water rule Law enforcement officials stump for criminal justice bill Overnight Cybersecurity: Pentagon sets sights on ISIS hackers Lobbying World Mark Mellman: Parsing the primary processes Sanders defends foreign policy record Trump in 2014: ‘What’s not to like’ about Bill Clinton Overnight Finance: Budget deficit to rise Overnight Tech: Daily fantasy sports take heat in Texas Poll shows Kasich rising in New Hampshire Senate to break up House-passed ‘cures’ bill Overnight Defense: Iran fallout; ‘Mixed’ grades for Afghan fighters Dems: GOP is the party of Trump, Palin Overnight Campaign: Palin and Branstad ruin Ted’s day Carson on all-white Oscars: ‘Americans have far more important concerns’ WATCH LIVE: Palin endorses Trump at Iowa rally Feds move to tighten rules for special ObamaCare sign-ups Overnight Energy: Iowa governor opposes Cruz over ethanol Health groups call for e-smoking ban in public housing Sanders up 27 points on Clinton in NH Retailers to feds: No point-of-sale drone registrations ISIS magazine cheers San Bernardino, Paris Trump, Carson coasters meet at the Hay-Adams bar Overnight Regulation: Supreme Court to review Obama immigration actions Insider trading on political intelligence – who’s the next target? Dick Morris: If Hillary loses Markos Moulitsas: The real Obama’s America Budowsky: Nikki Haley’s date with destiny Lawmakers’ talk of price-fixing hurts pharmaceutical innovation US, Australian leaders urge passage of Pacific trade deal Lawmakers set to unveil bill for encryption commission HHS to lead federal response to Flint crisis Trump lands Palin endorsement White House vows to press Iran on missing American GOP chairman wants details on Benghazi suspect Protecting Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is conservative Former federal prosecutors push for vote on criminal justice reform Dem warns GOP to adhere to budget deal Pro-Rubio super-PAC hits Cruz’s ‘Canadian’ tax plan Reid: Congress must stay vigilant on Iran Trump calls for higher ethanol mandate Aviation groups want to ground private air traffic control plan American employees still need relief from the Cadillac tax Carson suspending campaign activities after volunteers, staffer hurt in crash WH confident SCOTUS will uphold immigration actions Nearly 10 percent of college grads think Judge Judy is on Supreme Court Bachmann has ‘great empathy’ for Hillary McConnell pressures Dems on refugee bill Demi Lovato to stump for Hillary Trump and Cruz battle for evangelical vote Cruz: I’ll ‘always be a big fan’ of Palin Clinton emails contained ‘need-to-know’ classified info Most common password in 2015? ‘123456’ Obama to meet Flint mayor about water crisis Judge rules against Obama on ‘Fast and Furious’ Clinton allies hit Sanders on national security Report: Number of Hispanic voters up 4 million from 2012 White House: $1.7B Iran payment not ‘ransom’ General: Afghan forces had ‘mixed’ results in first year fighting Taliban Australia, US vow to step up online ISIS fight Iowa gov: Don’t vote for Cruz Builder confidence holds steady in January Rudy Giuliani joins global law firm Clinton-Sanders battle puts spotlight on Amtrak gun rules Violent crime rises amid battle over ‘Ferguson effect’ Republican proposes ban on lawmakers asking for donations Bristol Palin: I hope my mom endorses Trump Iran nuclear deal is working, but challenges persist Lawmakers scrutinize USDA’s hog slaughter rule Trump wins endorsement of John Wayne’s daughter Gates: Cruz ‘at odds with reality’ on ISIS Two killed in California Greyhound crash Health groups hail compromise on school lunches Cornyn pushes Obama on mental health bill Trump pans Cruz’s ‘temperament’ Clinton’s lead narrows nationally The Hill’s 12:30 Report Feds object to bankrupt coal company’s $11.9M in executive bonuses United lost $720M on ObamaCare exchanges last year Technology and trust can change politics Speculation rises that Palin will endorse Trump Ukrainian airport hack linked to Russian server Obama’s gun orders hit with first lawsuit Graham: Trump ‘all-over-the-board crazy’ Poll finds GOP primary hurting party WATCH LIVE: Trump holds town hall in Iowa ahead of ‘big announcement’ UN report: Nearly 19,000 civilians killed in Iraq since 2014 Email: Clinton aide rejected idea of government email EU wants tougher privacy controls in new Safe Harbor Supreme Court agrees to hear insider trading case Supreme Court declines to hear new ObamaCare challenge Teenagers who hacked CIA chief hit White House official Study: States wasting billions on highways CBO: Federal deficit to rise to $544 billion Pro-Clinton super-PAC fires back in Iowa Congressional action on arms transfers to Saudis may lead to litigation EPA head defends Flint water crisis response Twitter goes down for users worldwide Verizon rolls out ‘sponsored data’ plan Supreme Court rejects Arizona sheriff’s appeal on immigration Suspects arrested after Jakarta attack recruited through encrypted app Ivanka Trump cuts ad for father Tuesday: Judicial nomination New regs for Wednesday: Tropical fish, exports, imports Public can’t afford further delay on health tech, medical records integration Obama’s regulatory flurry: Opportunity, not calamity Supreme Court to hear Obama immigration challenge Trump: ‘I’m not a big crier’ Christie: First lady has ‘no business being involved’ in what people eat The right way to crank up the pressure on Pyongyang Cruz aide ‘deeply disappointed’ if Palin endorses Trump Cruz super-PAC spending $2.5 million on ads in Iowa, SC Trump: Christians must ‘stick together’ Congressional attention to tribal issues will drive economic growth in Indian country Hillary: Dem debates scheduled ‘to drive more viewership’ RNC drops NBC as debate host Recouping coal’s costs to taxpayers Human Rights Campaign endorses Hillary Sanders courts thousands in Alabama on MLK Day Congress should keep foreign investors from working with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Little Sisters on the big stage How durable are Obama’s gun reforms? FTC staff bias on intra-brand car competition is a bad deal for consumers Poll: Trump, Clinton maintain national leads This week: Senate faces fight over refugees On Roe anniversary, let’s remember the US women for whom abortion is a right on paper only Election-year rift opens in GOP