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The Hill Articles: July 14, 2016
July 14
Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah
Gingrich: It ‘certainly looks like’ Pence will be Trump’s VP
Senate condemns Dallas attack on police
Cruz: ‘Europe is under siege’
GOP squashes Never Trump rules proposal in heated hearing
O’Reilly lands live interviews with Trump, Clinton after Nice attacks
Clinton calls for ‘intelligence surge’ after France attack
Tim Tebow: GOP convention speech is a rumor
Christie: Initial Cruz endorsement shouldn’t ‘disqualify’ Pence from VP
Obama rebuts Texas Lt. Gov. on support for police
Obama decries attack in France
Trump on VP: ‘I haven’t made a final, final decision’
Overnight Finance: Senate punts on Zika funding | House panel clears final spending bill | Biz groups press Treasury on tax rules | Obama trade rep confident Pacific deal passes this year
GOP convention organizers ask Adelson to cover $6M shortfall
Overnight Healthcare: Lawmakers leave for summer without approving new Zika funds
Trump postpones VP announcement in light of France attack
Ginsburg: Trump comments were a mistake
Trump on ‘horrific’ France attack: ‘Here we go again’
Overnight Defense: Pentagon threatens defense bill veto
Democrats ‘freaked out’ about polls in meeting with Clinton
Pence lands in New Jersey amid VP chatter
NIH awards $30M in HIV research ahead of international conference
Free the Delegates supporter says Trump ally threatened her
The Trail 2016: Trumptease
Two Indiana reps to end House campaigns to run for governor
Scores dead in terror attack on French national holiday
Overnight Tech: First on The Hill – Key senators team up against robocalls | Social media giants back revenge porn bill | Facebook’s diversity numbers
Sanders ally Cornel West backs Green candidate
Cruz allies clash with RNC at heated Rules Committee meeting
Garner daughter says she was ‘railroaded’ by ABC
Overnight Energy: House passes first Interior, EPA spending bill in seven years
Pence supported ‘self-deportation’ in 2006
Poll: Clinton-Trump match-up strikes fear in voters
Trump aims to win over GOP with Pence pick
GOP energy negotiator accuses Senate chairman of ‘bizarre’ promise
Overnight Cybersecurity: Chinese businessman jailed for defense industry hack
High-speed rail remains elusive despite $10B investment
Rules panel rejects proposal to ban lobbyists from RNC
Trump slams Clinton in Pokemon Go-themed attack ad
Report: Dem senator adjusts convention schedule over W.Va. flooding
GOP lawmaker releases tax reform plan
Tech investor Thiel explains decision to speak at RNC
GOP rep: ‘Zero expectations’ for State to release Clinton emails
Tim Scott: Country must have ‘tough’ talk about race
Overnight Regulation: GMO bill heads to Obama’s desk
FDA touts 3D printing in personalized medicine
GOP calls out Obama for millions of unspent dollars amid Zika fight
West still repeating old mistakes with Iran
Watchdog faults Energy Department over whistleblower retaliation
Pentagon threatens veto as defense bill conference kicks off
Redskins name ridiculed at ESPYs
Kaine goes on attack against Trump
Pentagon confirms targeted strike aimed at ISIS war minister
Clinton gets in on Pokemon Go craze
Ethics panel rebukes Kentucky Republican
Biz groups press IRS to withdraw proposed offshore tax rules
Clinton staff van crashes into Capitol scaffolding
Sanford-Enzi ‘Penny Plan’ gets nation to a balanced budget
Independent Sen. Angus King endorses Clinton
WATCH LIVE: The Hill Latino speaks with Colombian Ambassador Juan Carlos Pinzón
First senator to back Trump applauds Pence as VP
The Iran deal is working. Don’t mess with success.
Gingrich: ‘I have some appeal in virtually every state’
Tech leaders: Trump would be a ‘disaster for innovation’
Congress leaving for seven-week recess
Senate punts Zika fight to the fall
‘Washed up’ Limbaugh’s $79 million in 2015 proves staying power
House votes to toughen Iran sanctions
Ratcliffe and Langevin introduce Israel cyber partnership bills
Trump defends Fox News CEO over sexual harassment allegations
Revenge porn bill unveiled after struggle to bring tech on board
Fox’s Hannity to get first interview with Trump VP
Immigration: looking beyond United States v. Texas
Regulators need to promote tech innovation, not stifle it
DC Metro lags on federal safety actions
White House praises Trump’s VP pick for expanding Medicaid
It is not Hillary that should be indicted, but the system itself
Christie on VP pick: ‘I don’t like coming in second, ever’
Microsoft wins landmark data storage case
Wagner passes on NRCC bid, backs Stivers
Ann Coulter: VP pick is Trump’s first mistake
House passes Interior, EPA spending bill
House whip Scalise notches $12 million in fundraising
Five times Pence broke with Trump
28 pages from 9/11 report to be released
Will partisan politics infect the Supreme Court?
Trump: Palin won’t be at convention because Alaska is a ‘long ways away’
Dems block defense spending bill for second time
Regulatory system is ‘rigged,’ public interest group says
Judge orders Trump to prove why lawsuit against ex-aide should be private
Clinton to Latinos: ‘I need your help’ against Trump
Pence tweet attacking Trump’s Muslim ban resurfaces
Anti-abortion group cheers ‘trailblazer’ Pence
House passes GMO labeling bill
GOP chairmen propose sweeping federal land changes for Utah
Obama calls new UK Prime Minister Theresa May
House panel clears final spending bill
Microsoft wins victory in warrant case
Success against ISIS abroad may spark more terror attacks at home, officials warn
Trump picks Pence as VP
FCC opens up airwaves for new ‘5G’ wireless technology
Consumers lose, regulators win in federal court’s net-neutrality ruling
Top US commander can see ISIS presence in Latin America
Roger Ailes’ secret weapon: Forced arbitration
The Hill’s 12:30 Report
GOP rules meeting on hold as Priebus huddles with insurgent delegates
Report: US proposes joint facility with Russia to target al Qaeda in Syria
Republican lawmakers sound the alarm over Cuba flights
Trump: ‘I wish I had time’ for ‘Pokemon Go’
White House reporters: Trump, Clinton are threats to free press
America is ready for clean energy
Rubio, Bobby Knight to address GOP convention by video
Reid Wilson returns to The Hill
Cyber squatters sitting on valuable VP web addresses
Trump: Ginsburg didn’t really apologize
WATCH: GOP rep: Gingrich is a ‘phony’
Clinton to lunch with Senate Democrats
The right ticket: The calculus of selecting Trump’s running mate
McCain: Inaction on encryption ‘furthering the cause of child pornographers’
State Dept. ordered to justify redacting 200 Clinton emails
US military in Latin America opens intel briefing to partner nations
Terminally ill can speak for themselves on ‘Right To Try’ bill
Voters think they saw nonexistent Trump TV ads
The Republican Senate leader and regular order
Feds fear prospect of violence at GOP, Dem conventions
Obama trade rep confident the Pacific deal passes this year
Our completely inept Congress
Poll: Nearly half of Sanders’s millennial supporters would vote third-party
Ginsburg apologizes for ‘ill-advised’ criticisms of Trump
As Britain tries to learn from Iraq mistakes, so should the U.S. — by privatizing the VA
GOP senators lead in key swing states
Latino leaders laud Dem platform
New regs for Friday: Nuclear, police, acquisitions
Feds seek new rules to mitigate oil train derailments
Thiel to speak at the Republican convention
European regulators expand antitrust case against Google
Defying Ryan, conservatives move to force vote on IRS impeachment
GMO labeling bill good for both environment and the poor
At one year mark, Iran deal has already made world safer
Christie ally expected to plead guilty in airline route investigation
Looking at China’s past to understand its future
NY Post imagines Ginsburg as ‘Darth Bader’
Senate Dem: Trump will pick ‘handsome’ Pence
Trump leads Clinton by 7 points: Rasmussen poll
House adopts Flint water measures in spending bill
Sanders to recount campaign in book
America and allies less safe since nuclear deal
Tebow, UFC leader among celeb speakers at GOP convention
Chinese businessman sentenced in defense hacking conspiracy
Gingrich in Feb.: Trump will lose big if he doesn’t change
Clinton doubles down on Obama’s immigration executive actions
Four surprises to watch for at the Democratic Convention
Clinton email scandal shows we don’t take security seriously enough
Poll: Clinton, Trump tied nationally
New family first bill first step toward 21st Century child welfare system
Ending the opioid epidemic is within our grasp
GOP unveils list of speakers for next week’s convention
Loretta Lynch stonewalls for Hillary Clinton
NBA stars open ESPYs with Black Lives Matter message
Congress should strengthen, not strain, security & economic ties with Saudi Arabia
New Clinton ad: ‘Our children are watching’ this election
Republicans root for Pence as VP
Trump’s ‘law-and-order’ gamble
Centrist Dems wary of public option push
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