The Hill Articles: July 4, 2016

July 4
Trump campaign aide: Image ‘lifted’ from ‘anti-Hillary Twitter user’ Trump: ‘Who pays’ for Obama’s appearance with Clinton? WATCH LIVE: Fourth of July celebration at White House Diversity of House GOP at risk in 2016 election Trump slams ‘false attacks’ by Clinton over tweet GOP senator had ‘good conversation’ with Trump Rain forces cancellation of White House Fourth of July event Wikileaks publishes Clinton war emails Obama won’t visit colleges ‘insufficiently serious’ about sexual assault Grassley faces race of his life For immigrants with convictions, punishment never ends Team Clinton: Image in Trump tweet ‘blatantly anti-Semitic’ White House bans Cabinet members from speaking at convention Clinton’s lead shrinks to 5 points in national poll Exxon gets boost in climate fight Separatists: Trump, Brexit helps us Trump meeting with GOP senator, fuels VP speculation Report: Top aide said Clinton destroyed State Dept. schedules Putin calls for improved relations with US in July Fourth message Planned Parenthood showdown threatens Zika funding Trump blames ‘dishonest media’ for tweet controversy Dems unleash July Fourth attack on Trump Severe weather forces GOP senator to land plane Marlins, Braves make history at Fort Bragg New film blames Israel for failure of Iran malware Trump adviser: ‘Never any intention of anti-Semitism’ in tweet Suicide bomber blows himself up near US consulate in Saudi Arabia What do the Fourth of July and Brexit have in common? Likening Trump to Hitler: a dangerous comparison Fight erupts in Congress over school lunch money Britain’s anti-EU leader Farage resigns following Brexit Airbnb takes its fight to court Tech industry wants Trump agenda Juan Williams: The GOP’s pointless ObamaCare war Obama leaves Clinton with a Democratic Party moving left