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The Hill Articles: September 16, 2016
September 16
Green Party’s Jill Stein said she’s still going to debate
Clinton camp: GOP leaders should denounce ‘disturbing behavior’ from Trump
Trump’s health is a non issue
Jimmy Fallon greets Clinton with medical mask
Trump says he’d reverse Obama’s Cuba actions
Lawyers: The unelected legislators of our rights
Trump walks on stage to song from ‘Les Miserables’
Trump: Clinton’s bodyguards should drop guns and ‘see what happens to her’
Trump: Accusations of racism the ‘oldest play in the Democratic playbook’
Man who says he shot George Zimmerman in self-defense found guilty
US wins solar case over India at WTO
Man arrested for allegedly threatening Hawaii Dems
GOP PAC targets Curbelo opponent
Conservative groups oppose Export-Import Bank lifeline
That ‘birther’ thing: The media erupts while Main Street yawns
DSCC shifts dollars out of Florida and Ohio
Dem senator: Clinton wrong on ‘basket of deplorables’
DHS on election security: We won’t violate your state’s rights
EPA study: Roundup pesticide ‘not likely to be carcinogenic’
Koch network plans major expansion
The Fed and a return to banking simplicity
WATCH: Rob Portman does chicken dance to celebrate Oktoberfest
WATCH LIVE: Trump speaks at Miami rally
Television box plan skeptics ask FCC for more transparency
Larry David: Possibility of Trump win ‘like contemplating your own death’
A new agenda for cities must come from cities
Sanders: Back third-party down ballot, not for president
Koskinen will testify next week before House panel
Michelle Obama talks up Clinton, tears down Trump
GOP to Obama: Sanction Chinese entities to get to North Korea
UN expects 20 countries to join Paris climate pact next week
Beyond the burkini: Muslim women and the global war on terror
Judges rules against GOP effort to speed Clinton document release
Merkley: 33 Senate Dems now back ObamaCare public option
Executive Office for Immigration Review Policy change does not go far enough
Third-party candidates miss cut for first debate
Enthusiasm gap looms for Clinton
Gore, Sanders, Warren: Vote Clinton, not third-party
Pentagon issues new enlistment standards
Black Dems rip Trump as ‘racial arsonist’ over ‘birther’ controversy
Warren slams ‘big mouth’ Trump after ‘birther’ reversal
WATCH LIVE: Michelle Obama campaigns for Clinton in Virginia
Senate GOP pressures Dems for deal on internet fight
Poll: Vast majority says legal immigration good for US
Senators want to ensure TSA protects trains, buses and ports
In Russia-US Deal, West leaves Syrian Islamist mess
Steven Van Zandt: US isn’t ‘too much of a democracy’
Airstrike kills ISIS minister of information
Nation’s largest police union endorses Trump
Trump’s political dig on Yellen more dictatorial than presidential
Kasich calls on Congress to carefully consider TPP
White House pressures lawmakers to abandon Saudi 9/11 bill
NOAA’s blocking of spectrum sales rains on taxpayers’ parade
Trump’s ‘birther’ speech doesn’t erase disrespect of first black president
Trump’s visit to Dr. Oz was all spectacle
Mark Cuban offers Trump $10 million for interview
Clinton camp: Trump’s ‘birther’ remarks ‘disgraceful’
No need to veto JASTA
Press enraged over Trump
US to Russia: No joint Syrian operations if aid can’t get through
Feds move to protect guitarfish
Backdrop at Trump event collapses after speech
The Hill’s 12:30 Report
GOP campaign chief: Pelosi a horrible elections predictor
Clash brewing on Intelligence Committee over Clinton legislation
Reid: Trump is ‘one of the most unbelievably immoral people’ in politics
Media: ‘We all got Rickrolled’ by Trump
Trump TV pool erases video of hotel tour in protest
Iran Air participates in Syrian airlift, but Obama does nothing
Dear Congress: tomorrow’s STEM leaders need your support today
News orgs sue FBI over San Bernardino records
Cellphone battery catches fire on flight to Atlanta
House panel launches Wells Fargo probe
Court rules DirecTV can’t fire employees over TV interview
Why the US has to play catch-up on encryption
CNN’s John King: ‘We got played again’ by Trump
New Zealand dolphins to be listed as endangered
Fact-checking Trump’s health
Return of the wise men
Sanders: Nobody’s ever asked me where I was born
Trump: Obama was born in US
Reality check: A visit to Dr. Oz is no indicator Trump’s healthy
‘Daily Show’ ends Bill Clinton interview with balloon drop
Background checks: The Achilles’ heel of immigration reform
Getting the next president off to a running start
New Education Department proposal on college financials goes too far
Obama: ‘Pretty confident about where I was born’
Facebook starts rollout of candidate positions feature
New York AG investigating Exxon’s accounting practices
Alleged British hacker to be extradited to US
Both Clinton and Trump are getting it wrong on child care
FBI may pursue indictments of Russian hackers
Kaine to make his first appearance on ‘Ellen’
Clinton: My pneumonia finally got GOP to care about women’s health
New regs for Monday: Military, CIA, dolphins
Clinton: ‘No erasing’ Trump’s ‘birtherism’
Don’t ground the American economy
Making the American Dream great again
Clinton: My pneumonia finally got GOP interested in women’s health
Actor Jon Voight: Trump can make the impossible happen
WATCH LIVE: Trump speaks about ‘birtherism’ in Washington
WATCH LIVE: Hillary addresses Black Women’s Forum in DC
Court: Mental-health gun ban could violate Second Amendment
Why poor neighborhoods don’t get the policing they want
WATCH: GOP lawmakers says ‘deplorables’ comment will hurt Clinton
We need a legal, stable agriculture workforce: how do we get there?
Clinton wants Gore to warn voters off third parties
Rasmussen: Dems want Sanders running if Clinton drops out
DOJ launching new anti-heroin plan
Top House Republican: Trump should ‘put away’ birther controversy
Trump son: ‘Gas chamber’ remark was ‘poor choice of words’
Sanders: Trump a ‘fraud’ using ‘birtherism’ to court ‘extremists’
Pelosi on Trump: ‘The damage is done’ on ‘birtherism’
Trump to address ‘birther’ issue Friday
Reid fires back at Trump for mocking eye injury
Swedish court upholds Assange arrest warrant
Fifteen years on, authorization for the use of military force must go
Kasich: ‘Very unlikely’ I’ll vote for Trump
Projecting races before polls close is downright scary
Facebook steps up fight against fake news
Ryan seeks to avoid Boehner fate on omnibus
Trump toughens anti-abortion stance
GOPers fear trillion-dollar vote is inevitable
What supporters of the overtime regulation are really telling us
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