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The Hill Articles: May 13, 2018
May 13
Romney denounces pastor slated to speak at US Embassy in Jerusalem
Pentagon finds problems with Kushner-backed health program: report
Apple CEO Tim Cook praises Parkland, ‘Me Too’ activists in commencement speech
GOP senator calls on White House aide to apologize for McCain remark
Western EU envoys absent at Jerusalem embassy celebration: report
Iowa governor after signing nation’s strictest abortion ban: ‘Our work is not done’
‘Black Panther’ star praises students for activism at Howard U. commencement
White House condemns Paris knife attack
NYT columnist: Reporters miss important stories because they’re obsessed with Trump
Dems increasingly see ‘electoral dynamite’ in net neutrality fight
Chili’s says customers’ payment information compromised in data breach
Meghan McCain says she’s still awaiting public apology for comments about father
Former McCain, Graham aide hired to assist pro-Russia party in Latvia
Schumer hits Trump for offering aid to Chinese firm: ‘How about helping some American companies?’
Security guard charged with assaulting teenager accused of shoplifting
Salma Hayek: Weinstein only responded to sexual harassment allegations from women of color because they are ‘the easiest to get discredited’
Ryan, GOP scramble to win support for controversial farm bill
Trump, don’t let Peru rip off American workers
Trump offers reassurance over China trade: ‘Be cool’
Mueller, it’s time to wrap this investigation up
Education Dept. dismantles team focused on fraud at for-profit colleges: report
Jerusalem soccer club seeks to change name to honor Trump
Parkland student celebrates finally being free of shrapnel
Former Obama aide ‘speechless’ at Trump reversal on ZTE
Obamas celebrate Mother’s Day
Reining in the BLM’s wild horse crisis
Bernie Sanders: Separating immigrant families is ‘heartless’
Pompeo dodges on North Korean regime change question
Pompeo: US tried, failed to achieve side deal with European allies
Bolton praises McCain, declines to apologize for White House staffer’s remark
Former Sanders campaign manager: No one at the White House is loyal to Trump
Mass transit is collapsing everywhere
Ex-Trump aide downplays McCain comment: Not the White House’s responsibility to apologize for it
Cutting off communication for Puerto Rican hurricane victims is just cruel
Trump administration braces for big week ahead in foreign policy
US risks losing market leadership thanks to overregulation
3 freed North Korean detainees leave Walter Reed, reunite with families
Sen. Sanders: ‘Beyond my comprehension’ that White House wouldn’t apologize for McCain comment
Trump like African dictator, Trevor Noah says
Honor thy mother — each and every day
Location, location, location — and a date for the Trump-Kim summit
Trump, China working to boost Chinese telecom giant
Cheney: ‘Please, please, pretty please’ doesn’t work with terrorists
Gates: Haspel’s ties to enhanced interrogation don’t disqualify her from leading CIA
Hundreds rally in Moscow for restoration of Telegram messaging app
Graham: Trump should get Senate approval on any agreement with North Korea
How Congress can help mothers every day
Bolton: Recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel ‘enhances the chances for peace’
Trump spokesman says he doesn’t ‘know’ if aide made McCain comment she apologized for
Five rulings to watch at the Supreme Court
Honor our mothers by giving them the paid family leave they deserve
Sanders on opposition to Haspel but not Brennan: ‘It’s not just the issue of torture’
Rouhani: Iran will stay in nuclear deal if other countries abide by it
Eric Schneiderman and #MeToo pose challenges for both parties
Mullen: Chance of military conflict increases if US-North Korea talks fail
Bolton downplays past views on regime change
Bolton: Denuclearization is non-negotiable — including non-nuclear weapons
Pompeo: Suggestion that withdrawal from nuclear deal sparked Iranian-Israeli tensions is ‘ludicrous’
Bolton: European nations ‘will see that it’s in their interests’ to withdraw from Iran deal
Pompeo: Not yet ‘remotely close’ to achieving goals with North Korea
Trump wishes Americans a happy Mother’s Day
This Mother’s Day — save dying black mothers by trusting black women
Gates: Trump’s tweets, tough talk got North Korea’s attention
Paul Ryan: Trump will be an ‘asset’ in midterms
‘SNL’ moms scold their kids over Trump coverage
Gates on Trump’s treatment of Cabinet: ‘That’s not the way I would deal with people’
Trump-backed prison reforms face major obstacles in Senate
In Iran, if we desire peace, we must prepare for war
Hardworking and Hungry: We need policies that support hard working moms
Lindsey Graham: White House should apologize for McCain remark
GOP pollster: Republican brand ‘is not doing well right now’
Dems must beware impeaching Trump if the blue wave prevails
Trump roils the globe with Iran deal withdrawal
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