The Hill Articles: May 5, 2018

May 5
Parkland fathers protest NRA convention Michelle Obama says she’s not running for office Michelle Obama on 2016 election: ‘What is going on in our heads where we let that happen?’ Giuliani: Mueller may be going after Manafort because he thinks he will ‘flip faster’ Teacher of the Year shares speech after off-camera White House ceremony California Senate candidate who admires Hitler kicked out of state’s GOP convention McCain says he regrets picking Palin as running mate Trump aides hired Israeli private intelligence firm to dig up dirt on Obama officials: report Biden, McCain say Trump damaging US ‘international reputation’ Waffle House shooting hero says he still hasn’t heard from Trump NYPD union blasts city agency as ‘disgrace’ for tweet about Fourth Amendment Giuliani calls Mueller probe ‘tremendous’ distraction, ‘totally unjustified’ Obama’s silent regulatory army is still on the march Giuliani: ‘Good chance’ North Korea will release 3 US hostages Obama, Bush to give eulogies at McCain’s eventual funeral: report Increasingly brazen North Korean hackers growing capable Morrisey: Blankenship ‘would get crushed’ in November April Ryan responds to Spicer over claim she wants ‘personal fame’ France condemns Trump’s comments to NRA on 2015 Paris terrorist attack ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ author says US under Trump getting more Gilead-like DEA issues first sales suspension under Trump for opioid wholesaler Betsy DeVos encourages grads at commencement to ’embrace the mess’ Sunday Shows preview: Giuliani to headline ABC’s ‘This Week’ after explosive Hannity interview US ambassador to Mexico officially departs Trump on US border control: ‘We may have to close up our country’ Spicer knocks April Ryan: She’s ‘more interested in personal fame’ California becomes the world’s fifth-biggest economy Deal or no deal, Trump should punish Iran’s aviation sector Pelosi calls for speedy ethics probe as Cárdenas denies sex abuse claims Trump touts border efforts, poll numbers in freewheeling tax cuts talk Dallas restaurant says it got death threats for putting pro-gun control message on receipts Trump adviser says Kaepernick has been invited to Trump summit on race Trump celebrates Cinco de Mayo and ‘significant contributions of Mexican Americans’ to US Parkland students release music video memorial to shooting victims Colorado university invites Native American teens pulled off tour back to school, will pay for travel White House blasts China over Taiwan directive to airlines: ‘This is Orwellian nonsense’ Domestic violence survivors seeking asylum in US deserve our protection Mueller team interviewed longtime Trump friend: report California asks judge to toss out Trump admin suit over sanctuary laws CNN host uses 3,001 gumballs to represent Trump’s ‘false or misleading statements’ ‘Late Show’ Melania Trump character: I’m waiting for Emmanuel Macron to save me American wildlife need responsible public land drilling to be more profitable than cutting corners Clean water is essential to health care around the globe Younger lawmakers ignite new push for term limits Navy resurrects 2nd Fleet amid heightened Russia tensions McCain’s inner circle planning on having Pence, not Trump, at funeral: report Michelle Wolf tops social media ranking of comedians after WHCA controversy President Trump’s historic jobs achievement Finding a balance between protecting our youth and saving 40 million smokers’ lives Biden visited McCain in recovery in Arizona London surgeon invites Trump to hospital to discuss ‘violence reduction’ after knife crime comments Trump has been in touch with Bannon recently after falling out: report Trump pick for top UN migration post apologizes for anti-Muslim tweets Israel’s well-being is a top reason for Trump to rip up the Iran deal Court overturns Kennedy relative’s murder conviction in 1975 killing Stormy Daniels promotes T-shirts mocking Trump Postal Service banking system possible if past pitfalls avoided Laura Ingraham confronts Nunes on not reading docs he requested FBI not requesting personal accounts from agents who exchanged text messages Mueller team seeks delay in Russia indictments case: docs ACLU wants CIA communication on Haspel’s confirmation strategy Parkland student rips Trump over NRA speech: ‘He’s a professional liar’ Sen. Marco Rubio is filling in the blanks of ‘Trumponomics’ NASA launches interplanetary mission to Mars Russian opposition leader, hundreds arrested amid anti-Putin protests Fuel economy: California’s empty suit Lobbyist’s wife pays fine for renting DC condo to Pruitt without a license Stormy Daniels lawyer rips Giuliani over payment timing: Trump’s family only needed protecting during campaign? The Republican Senate and rushed judicial confirmations Freeing states to boost the recovery of threatened wildlife GOP lawmaker: Mueller should be allowed to follow Russia probe ‘wherever it takes him’ San Diego school orders artist to change mural depicting Trump’s head on a spear White House must never allow an investigation to distract from goals Dems put squeeze on Ryan over chaplain controversy Dem presidential hopefuls flock to Trump country