Administration McEnany tells reporter: ‘I don’t call on activists’ Administration / 4 years ago by Cameron Jenkins 11/20/20 5:58 PM ET
Senate Bernie Sanders: ‘We have a president who is a racist’ Senate / 6 years ago by John Bowden 11/14/18 4:23 PM ET
Media April Ryan says CNN ‘is doing the right thing’ with lawsuit against White House Media / 6 years ago by John Bowden 11/13/18 2:24 PM ET
Media Santorum: Trump needs to ‘be aware’ his treatment of black female reporters ‘a problem’ Media / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 11/12/18 10:05 AM ET
Media CNN’s Acosta in Paris to cover Trump visit Media / 6 years ago by Morgan Gstalter 11/09/18 10:55 AM ET
Media April Ryan suggests White House treats her worse because she’s a black woman Media / 7 years ago by Megan Keller 09/06/18 10:23 AM ET
Administration Trump had repeatedly asked aides to ban reporters before barring CNN journalist from press event: report Administration / 7 years ago by John Bowden 07/27/18 5:26 PM ET
Media April Ryan accuses Melania Trump’s spokeswoman of creating an ‘atmosphere of hate’ after Twitter feud Media / 7 years ago by Luis Sanchez 05/27/18 9:43 PM ET
News Trump HUD official apologizes for tweet mocking journalist News / 7 years ago by Brandon Carter 01/24/18 8:41 PM ET
Administration April Ryan: Omarosa fired by Kelly, escorted out of White House Administration / 7 years ago by John Bowden 12/13/17 2:00 PM ET