Campaign How misinformation overturned California’s assault weapons ban Campaign / 4 years ago by Devin Hughes, opinion contributor 06/14/21 3:01 PM ET
State Watch California ban on assault weapons ruled unconstitutional by federal judge State Watch / 4 years ago by Tal Axelrod 06/05/21 7:51 AM ET
Campaign Gun control: Campaigning vs. legislating Campaign / 5 years ago by Amitai Etzioni, Opinion Contributor 09/15/19 12:00 PM ET
Civil Rights The writing is on the wall for bump stocks and Congress should finalize it Civil Rights / 7 years ago by Josh Horwitz, opinion contributor 04/23/18 4:00 PM ET
Regulation Seven gun control measures Congress could consider after Florida shooting Regulation / 7 years ago by Melanie Zanona 02/24/18 9:53 PM ET