International In Korea, it’s about who has the sharpest missiles — and the ability to shoot them down International / 2 years ago by Donald Kirk, Opinion Contributor 03/28/23 12:30 PM ET
National Security This is not the time to abandon North Korean denuclearization National Security / 2 years ago by Bruce Klingner, Opinion Contributor 10/29/22 8:00 AM ET
International Bring US nukes back to South Korea to counter Kim Jong Un’s deadly game International / 2 years ago by Sung-Yoon Lee, Opinion Contributor 10/19/22 9:30 AM ET
International North Korea rules out denuclearization. The West should prioritize human rights International / 2 years ago by Joseph Bosco, Opinion Contributor 09/13/22 10:00 AM ET
International ‘Idle threats’ won’t deter North Korea, RAND warns US and South Korea International / 2 years ago by Donald Kirk, Opinion Contributor 09/12/22 10:00 AM ET
National Security North Korea talks ‘deterrence,’ but it’s not what it means to the West National Security / 3 years ago by Donald Kirk, Opinion Contributor 07/07/22 12:30 PM ET
National Security Washington and Seoul should intensify joint exercises to call Kim Jong Un’s bluff National Security / 3 years ago by Donald Kirk, Opinion Contributor 06/29/22 12:30 PM ET
International Four years after Singapore summit, Kim Jong Un still threatens — with words and missiles International / 3 years ago by Donald Kirk, Opinion Contributor 06/17/22 1:00 PM ET
International The Koreas are talking again — Moon is for real, but what about Kim? International / 4 years ago by Ramon Pacheco Pardo, opinion contributor 07/28/21 7:00 AM ET
International Want to fix the North Korea problem? Don’t forget about the South International / 4 years ago by Ethan Kessler, opinion contributor 05/21/21 2:30 PM ET
International Moon’s likely message to Biden: ‘You can trust Kim Jong Un, trust me’ International / 4 years ago by Sung-Yoon Lee, opinion contributor 05/19/21 9:00 AM ET
International Biden must tell Kim: Begin denuclearization, end dehumanization of North Koreans International / 4 years ago by Joseph Bosco, opinion contributor 05/11/21 10:00 AM ET
National Security North Korea has much to consider — when, and if, talks resume National Security / 4 years ago by Christopher R. Hill, opinion contributor 05/07/21 10:00 AM ET
International Seoul sees hope in Biden’s North Korea approach International / 4 years ago by Ramon Pacheco Pardo and Jihwan Hwang, opinion contributors 03/08/21 9:00 AM ET
International Xi Jinping steps up the pressure on Biden — will Kim Jong Un join the fray? International / 4 years ago by Joseph Bosco, opinion contributor 02/02/21 10:00 AM ET
National Security Like his predecessors, Biden faces a formidable task with North Korea National Security / 4 years ago by Christopher R. Hill, opinion contributor 01/15/21 10:30 AM ET