House Clyburn calls for full-court press on voting rights House / 3 years ago by 01/27/22 4:41 PM ET
Senate Schumer vows to push forward with filibuster change: ‘The fight is not over’ Senate / 3 years ago by Jordain Carney 01/17/22 6:19 PM ET
Senate This week: Democrats set for showdown on voting rights, filibuster Senate / 3 years ago by Jordain Carney 01/17/22 6:01 AM ET
Senate Sinema scuttles hopes for filibuster reform Senate / 3 years ago by Jordain Carney 01/13/22 12:46 PM ET
Senate This week: House aims to pass Biden spending bill as time runs out Senate / 3 years ago by Jordain Carney 11/15/21 6:01 AM ET
Senate Biden spending bill to likely slip in Senate after House delays Senate / 3 years ago by Jordain Carney 11/14/21 10:44 AM ET
Senate McConnell ups pressure on Manchin, Sinema: They could sink spending plan Senate / 3 years ago by Jordain Carney 11/10/21 1:00 PM ET
Senate This week: Democrats confront gridlock over Biden spending plan Senate / 3 years ago by Jordain Carney 10/18/21 6:00 AM ET
Senate Schumer sets September voting rights fight after GOP blocks quick debate Senate / 4 years ago by Jordain Carney 08/11/21 5:25 AM ET
Senate This week: Senate races toward summer break Senate / 4 years ago by Jordain Carney 08/09/21 6:00 AM ET
Senate Manchin says he doesn’t support DC statehood, election reform bills Senate / 4 years ago by Jordain Carney 04/30/21 4:32 PM ET
Senate McConnell: Schumer ‘yielding to the pressure of the hard left’ on filibuster Senate / 4 years ago by Celine Castronuovo 03/17/21 2:30 PM ET
Senate Tensions flare over Senate filibuster Senate / 4 years ago by Jordain Carney 03/17/21 6:00 AM ET
Senate Manchin cements key-vote status in 50-50 Senate Senate / 4 years ago by Jordain Carney 03/11/21 6:00 AM ET
Senate Progressives fume over Senate setbacks Senate / 4 years ago by Jordain Carney 02/27/21 12:12 PM ET
Senate McConnell: Sinema told me she won’t nix the filibuster Senate / 4 years ago by Jordain Carney 01/26/21 12:11 PM ET