National Security Needed: The Espionage Reform Act of 2023 National Security / 2 years ago by Ronald A. Marks, opinion contributor 01/15/23 12:30 PM ET
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Administration Trump considering Doug Collins as nominee for director of national intelligence Administration / 5 years ago by 02/20/20 11:33 PM ET
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Administration Bush: I don’t think Trump obstructed justice Administration / 8 years ago by Mark Hensch 06/09/17 12:38 PM ET
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Senate Angus King on Trump-Comey ‘tapes’: ‘Release them’ Senate / 8 years ago by Mark Hensch 06/08/17 9:12 PM ET
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Administration Kushner to meet with Senate Intel staff: reports Administration / 8 years ago by Mark Hensch 06/08/17 7:09 PM ET
Administration Justice Dept. defends Sessions after Comey hearing Administration / 8 years ago by Mark Hensch 06/08/17 7:00 PM ET
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Administration Perez: Comey remarks ‘most damning evidence yet’ against Trump Administration / 8 years ago by Mark Hensch 06/08/17 4:11 PM ET
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