Immigration Merit-based migration and border security are key to fixing immigration crisis Immigration / 7 years ago by Nelson Balido, opinion contributor 02/13/18 2:30 PM ET
International NAFTA negotiations are on the ropes International / 7 years ago by Nelson Balido, opinion contributor 01/11/18 4:00 PM ET
Immigration It’s time to confirm permanent leadership for Customs and Border Patrol Immigration / 7 years ago by Nelson Balido, opinion contributor 11/01/17 9:40 AM ET
Technology Technology will be a critical component of a good border wall Technology / 7 years ago by Nelson Balido, opinion contributor 10/14/17 10:00 AM ET
Immigration A virtual wall, not a physical wall, is the key to stopping illegal immigration Immigration / 8 years ago by Nelson Balido, opinion contributor 06/20/17 12:40 PM ET