International Latest list of Americans banned by Russia includes dead lawmakers International / 3 years ago by Monique Beals 05/22/22 2:42 PM ET
Senate Former Senate colleagues, politicians remember Hatch as ‘giant of the Senate,’ ‘jewel’ Senate / 3 years ago by 04/23/22 11:24 PM ET
Senate Former longtime Utah Senator Orrin Hatch dies at the age of 88 Senate / 3 years ago by 04/23/22 8:45 PM ET
Senate Former Democratic aide pleads guilty to doxing GOP senators attending Kavanaugh hearing Senate / 6 years ago by Morgan Gstalter 04/06/19 10:12 AM ET
Senate Hatch mocks Warren over DNA test with his own results showing ‘1/1032 T-Rex’ Senate / 6 years ago by Morgan Gstalter 10/15/18 8:38 PM ET
Senate Schumer outlines federal sports betting framework Senate / 7 years ago by Tal Axelrod 08/29/18 3:07 PM ET
Senate Hatch on White House delaying McCain statement: ‘That should not have happened’ Senate / 7 years ago by Tal Axelrod 08/28/18 9:19 AM ET
Senate Grassley: Trump will tackle prison reform ‘soon after’ the midterms Senate / 7 years ago by Jordain Carney and Tal Axelrod 08/23/18 8:23 PM ET
News Dem lawmaker calls Trump racist in response to ‘dog’ comment News / 7 years ago by Tal Axelrod 08/15/18 2:19 PM ET
Senate GOP senators blast White House aide over trade remarks Senate / 7 years ago by Jordain Carney 06/11/18 8:26 PM ET
Senate Civil rights groups slam bill that would make attacking police officers a hate crime Senate / 7 years ago by Morgan Gstalter 05/10/18 10:10 AM ET
Senate Report: Hatch calls McCain request that Trump not attend his funeral ‘ridiculous’ Senate / 7 years ago by Luis Sanchez 05/07/18 3:50 PM ET
Senate GOP senator: Firing Mueller could trigger impeachment Senate / 7 years ago by Jordain Carney 04/25/18 10:42 AM ET
Media Tom Brokaw pokes at senators over Zuckerberg hearing Media / 7 years ago by Luis Sanchez 04/11/18 8:09 PM ET
Business Hatch says he’s looking to get IRS more money to implement tax law Business / 7 years ago by Naomi Jagoda 03/01/18 9:32 AM ET
Business Watchdog: IRS issued bonuses to employees with conduct issues Business / 7 years ago by Naomi Jagoda 02/15/18 4:44 PM ET