Lobbying Manafort to start new gig in ‘general business consulting’ Lobbying / 3 years ago by TheHill.com 04/12/22 11:51 AM ET
Court Battles Former bank CEO sentenced in loan scheme to land Trump administration position Court Battles / 3 years ago by Cameron Jenkins 02/09/22 12:06 PM ET
Lobbying Foreign lobbyists donated over $33M during 2020 election: report Lobbying / 4 years ago by Karl Evers-Hillstrom 08/19/21 3:59 PM ET
National Security FBI offers $250K reward for Russian figure Kilimnik National Security / 4 years ago by Jordan Williams 02/25/21 7:18 PM ET
News Cohen released from federal prison to home confinement due to coronavirus concerns News / 5 years ago by Justine Coleman 05/21/20 10:10 AM ET
White House How to shut down fake Republican outrage over ‘spying’ on Trump White House / 5 years ago by Marik von Rennenkampff, Opinion Contributor 12/14/19 8:00 AM ET
White House GOP fantasies about Ukrainian election ‘interference’ blow up Trump’s impeachment defense White House / 5 years ago by Marik von Rennenkampff, Opinion Contributor 12/06/19 8:00 AM ET
Court Battles Gates sentencing set for next month Court Battles / 5 years ago by Tal Axelrod 11/15/19 9:22 PM ET
International Ukraine scandal shows that foreign influence is a bipartisan affair International / 6 years ago by Sharyl Attkisson, Opinion Contributor 09/24/19 9:30 AM ET
Campaign Let’s get real: Democrats were first to enlist Ukraine in US elections Campaign / 6 years ago by John Solomon, Opinion Contributor 09/23/19 6:30 PM ET
Administration Banker charged for allegedly approving Manafort loans for Trump job Administration / 6 years ago by TheHill.com 05/23/19 10:21 AM ET
Administration Giuliani traveling to Ukraine to push for probes that could be ‘very helpful’ to Trump Administration / 6 years ago by TheHill.com 05/09/19 10:18 PM ET
White House Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016 White House / 6 years ago by John Solomon, opinion contributor 05/02/19 7:00 PM ET
White House How the Obama White House engaged Ukraine to give Russia collusion narrative an early boost White House / 6 years ago by John Solomon, opinion contributor 04/25/19 7:00 PM ET
White House Does Mueller report anticipate campaign finance crimes related to Trump’s Russia contacts? White House / 6 years ago by David Tafuri, opinion contributor 04/12/19 11:30 AM ET