International Any ‘win’ against Iran is premature without shutting down its capabilities International / 11 months ago by Jonathan Ruhe and Ari Cicurel, opinion contributors 04/17/24 11:00 AM ET
International The risk of failing to enforce sanctions on Iran International / 2 years ago by Eric R. Mandel, Opinion Contributor 01/29/23 7:00 AM ET
International By not supporting protesters, we’re repeating the same mistakes in Iran International / 2 years ago by Geneive Abdo, opinion contributor 12/30/22 11:30 AM ET
International US must affirm Iranians’ demands: Freedom, not the Islamic Republic International / 2 years ago by Alan Goldsmith, opinion contributor 12/02/22 4:00 PM ET
International The US needs a sanctions policy revolution International / 2 years ago by John Bolton, Opinion Contributor 12/01/22 10:00 AM ET
International Why playing the ‘long game’ is the right approach to Iran’s protests International / 2 years ago by Jon B. Alterman, opinion contributor 10/19/22 10:00 AM ET
International Europe must trigger snapback of UN sanctions on Iran International / 2 years ago by Anthony Ruggiero and Andrea Stricker, opinion contributors 10/06/22 9:00 AM ET
International Say it, America: We support the Iranian protesters’ desire for regime change International / 2 years ago by Eric R. Mandel, Opinion Contributor 09/28/22 7:30 AM ET
National Security Iran’s ‘state’ terrorism and an American policy of deterrence National Security / 3 years ago by Mark D. Wallace, Norman Roule, and Frances F. Townsend, opinion contributors 08/24/22 9:00 AM ET
Finance Sanctions are ineffective and could jeopardize US fiscal health Finance / 3 years ago by Marc Joffe, opinion contributor 06/21/22 11:30 AM ET
International How can Biden embrace Iran while condemning Russia? International / 3 years ago by Eric R. Mandel, opinion contributor 03/25/22 12:30 PM ET
International Fueling an Iranian comeback International / 3 years ago by Ilan Berman, opinion contributor 03/16/22 9:30 AM ET
Homeland Security Administration should help under-resourced countries prevent sanctions evasion by rogue states Homeland Security / 3 years ago by Joseph I. Lieberman and Mark D. Wallace, opinion contributors 02/22/22 10:45 AM ET
International Stick with sanctions in Iran International / 3 years ago by Lawrence J. Haas, opinion contributor 02/14/22 9:55 AM ET
International The Iranian nuclear talks offer Biden much-needed bipartisan consensus International / 3 years ago by Ahmed Charai, opinion contributor 02/02/22 10:01 AM ET
Administration Sullivan warns Iran of ‘severe consequences’ if American citizens are attacked Administration / 3 years ago by Joseph Choi 01/09/22 12:41 PM ET