Senate Flake: Republican Party ‘is a frog slowly boiling in water’ Senate / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 12/09/18 12:41 PM ET
Senate Flake: Trump stop labelling press ‘the enemy of the people’ Senate / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 10/24/18 4:37 PM ET
Sunday Talk Shows Flake: Congress should not continue Kavanaugh investigations Sunday Talk Shows / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 10/14/18 3:19 PM ET
Sunday Talk Shows Flake: Republicans should be at the forefront of combating climate change Sunday Talk Shows / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 10/14/18 10:43 AM ET
Sunday Talk Shows Flake: ‘Doesn’t seem to be’ any other explanation than Saudi involvement in journalist’s disappearance Sunday Talk Shows / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 10/14/18 10:33 AM ET
Senate Flake on Kavanaugh confirmation: To see GOP ‘spiking the ball in the end zone’ doesn’t seem right Senate / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 10/11/18 5:18 PM ET
Sunday Talk Shows Conway: Kavanaugh should not be seen as tainted Sunday Talk Shows / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 10/07/18 9:40 AM ET
Senate Sanders: ‘I really just don’t understand’ Graham’s Kavanaugh renomination proposal Senate / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 10/02/18 2:41 PM ET
Senate Flake: If I were running for reelection ‘not a chance’ I’d call for Kavanaugh investigation Senate / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 09/30/18 7:00 PM ET
Senate Flake event moved due to security concerns Senate / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 09/30/18 1:08 PM ET
Senate Flake: Kavanaugh initially sounded like someone who had been ‘unjustly accused’ Senate / 6 years ago by Megan Keller 09/30/18 11:00 AM ET
Senate Hatch’s office responds ‘Never’ to tweet telling him to die Senate / 7 years ago by Megan Keller 09/26/18 4:22 PM ET
Senate Biden: Delay Kavanaugh vote to give accuser a fair, respectful hearing Senate / 7 years ago by Megan Keller 09/17/18 10:23 AM ET