
Weathering the Storm: A Forum on Navigating Volatile Markets

The volatile economic climate, changing workplace structures, and an antiquated system of retirement benefits have a profound effect on individuals’ ability to save for retirement. How can policymakers and employers collaborate to help workers financially save at all stages of life, from young adults to retirees?

Join The Hill on Wednesday, April 20 for a discussion on ongoing legislative and industry efforts to help individuals secure their fiscal future.

8:35 AM: Keynote interview with SEN. JEFF MERKLEY (D-OR) in conversation with The Hill’s PETER SCHROEDER

8:50 AM: “Protecting Savings into Retirement” panel discussion with:
ERIC HOPLIN, Executive Director, Financial Services Roundtable
VIRGINIA RENO, Deputy Commissioner, Office of Retirement & Disability Policy, Social Security Administration
Moderated by The Hill’s PETER SCHROEDER

9:10 AM: Industry perspective presented by:
AMY HINOJOSA, Financial Literacy Trainer, Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement
JIM POOLMAN, President, Indexed Annuity Leadership Council

9:25 AM: Keynote interview with REP. ERIC SWALWELL (D-Calif.) in conversation with The Hill’s SYLVAN LANE

9:40 AM: “Building a Strong Foundation for Savings” panel discussion, featuring:
WILL HURLEY, CEO, Honest Dollar
JEN MISHORY, Executive Director, Young Invincibles
Moderated by The Hill’s SYLVAN LANE

10:00 AM: Keynote interview with REP. FRENCH HILL (R-Ark.) in conversation with The Hill’s SYLVAN LANE

10:15 AM: Program concludes


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