Trump’s approval rating little changed at 46 percent

President Trump’s approval was little changed at 46 percent, according to a new American Barometer survey, conducted by Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company.

Forty-six percent of Americans polled said they approved of Trump’s job as president, with 24 percent saying they “strongly approved,” and 22 percent saying they “somewhat approved.” His approval rating is down 1 point, within the margin of error, from the previous American Barometer survey released earlier this month.

Fifty-four percent of Americans in this most recent poll said they disapproved of Trump’s job, with 41 percent saying they “strongly disapproved” of him, and 13 percent saying they “somewhat approved.” 

An overall polling average from Real Clear Politics on Wednesday had Trump’s approval rating at 40 percent, with his disapproval at 53 percent.

The American Barometer poll comes less than 50 days before November’s midterm elections.

The president has inserted himself on the campaign trail in hopes of galvanizing Republican voters for the election, which is widely expected to be a referendum on his first two years in office.

While Trump’s approval with Republicans and Democrats remained relatively the same in the latest American Barometer survey, the previous poll showed a 10 point decline among independents, with 42 percent saying they approved of Trump.

Molly Murphy, a partner at ALG Research, told Hill.TV’s Joe Concha that Trump’s slide among independents will impact Republican candidates in the midterms. 

“This is further slippage from an already weakened position, and I think that you’re seeing that play out in the generic ballot on House races and things,” Murphy said. “I think it’s going to have very immediate implications for 2018.”

— Julia Manchester


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