
Week ahead: Spending fight heats up; Impeachment vote looms for IRS chief

Congress has three weeks to fund the federal government, and leaders from both chambers are slowly inching closer on how to do it.

House Republican leaders are embracing the Senate’s proposal of a government funding bill that would run through Dec. 9.

Conservatives, though, are opposed to a short-term bill and insist on a longer measure to avoid a lame-duck session of Congress. House leadership is mulling breaking up the funding effort into smaller spending bills.

{mosads}The House conservative effort to impeach Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen will also heat up next week with Rep. John Fleming (R-La.) poised to force a vote to remove the embattled chief.

Fleming on Tuesday will give notice on his privileged resolution to impeach Koskinen, which would force a House vote on it within two legislative days. The House could vote to table the measure, refer it to the House Judiciary Committee or vote on the actual substance of the bill.

In slightly less contentious tax news, the House Ways and Means Committee will meet with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Wednesday about the proposed debt-equity rules that Republicans leaders in both chambers have spoken out against.

The committee will also hold a markup for several bills, including one to exempt Olympic winnings from taxes.

The House Financial Services Committee will be busy marking up Chairman Jeb Hensarling’s (R-Texas) CHOICE Act, the Republicans’ sweeping replacement of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law on Tuesday.


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